Just When You Think You’ve Seen It All, You Realize There Is No Bottom to Meanness and Hate. But, If We Ever Find The Bottom, It Will Be Covered With Republicans Trying To Get There First

September 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In one of those “We Really Can’t Let These People Govern” moments, the Pima County Republican Party, which is in Gabrielle Giffords district, is raising money…..

Now listen.

… by raffling off a Glock 40.  The same gun used to shoot Representative Giffords.

I’ll let you quit cringing before I continue.

Ready yet?

Okay.  Here we go.

You don’t believe me, do you?

The Republican Party in Arizona’s Pima County, which is represented by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), is in the midst of a fundraising raffle, $10 per entry.

The prize: the same model of gun that delivered a near-fatal blast to the Democratic lawmaker’s skull outside a Tucson grocery store in January.

Tucson is in Pima County.

Click the little one to get the big one.  That’s a screen shot from their newsletter which I just took minutes ago.

I guess they couldn’t get the original, so they threw in  three 12 round magazines, adjustable grips, and a case.  Because that’s just what you need for your well regulated militia.

In Gabrielle Giffords’ district.  Does the winner have to prove sanity or just that they have $10 and a need to shoot someone?

Thanks to Nancy for the heads-up and I do mean HEADS-FREEKIN-UP, FRIENDS.

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