Just When I Thought That Maybe “Crazy” Was It’s Own Political Party …
Public Policy Polling proved that The Crazy Party and the Republican Party have officially merged.
A new survey from Public Policy Polling finds that one-third of Republicans believe the Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theory that “the government is trying to take over Texas,” and another 28 percent of GOP voters haven’t made up their minds yet about the matter.
If my math is correct, and most times it is, that means that 61% of Republicans believe that it is or could be true that there are large underground tunnels connecting WalMarts all across the country, put there by the United States military and prepared to be used by President Barack Obama to take away your guns, your beer and your air conditioning this summer starting in Bastrop, Texas, with 60 troops, two Humvees, and a helicopter.
Sixty. One. Percent. So if you’re a Republican and you’re not wacko or at least edging up on it, you’re not in the big tent. If you’re a Republican and you’re at a family reunion and ten people are there, six of them should not be allowed to have knives or matches.
I heard one guy on the electric teevee insisting that Obama was going to brainwash them all. Well, they damn well need it! Hell, in the alternative, their brains don’t need washing because there’s nothing there to get dirty. President Obama could just braindust them.
I have for the life of me been trying to figure out what Obama is going to do with all the people he’s herding into WalMarts. A girl’s softball league with players of all genders? A rock band: Guns and Tribulations? A special army to invade Hawaii to destroy his birth certificate?
Beats the hell outta me.