Just What The Trump White House Needs

March 22, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The thoughtful, cerebral, calm and rational voice of John Damn Bolton.


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0 Comments to “Just What The Trump White House Needs”

  1. Yeeehaaaa—
    Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


    Hang on, it’s only going to get worse…

  2. Cato the Censor says:

    Start working real hard on your yoga so you can stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye. That’s about all we have left after this.

  3. Someone tweeted that Bolton and Donnie were basically in negotiations for a coupla weeks about the appointment. Bolton reportedly assured Donnie that he wouldn’t start a war. The fact that Bolton apparently believes he’ll have the authority to start a war, and Donnie apparently believes it enough to need reassurance that Bolton will restrain himself, leaves me less reassured.

  4. Ted in Austin says:

    Jeebus! He scared the crap (sorry Mama) out of me during the Dark Lord administration when he was at the UN! I’m afraid to imagine what he’s going to instigate now! Wait, I need more !!!!!!!!!!

  5. So John Bolton will soon taint the office of National Security Advisor? What Dick Cheney too busy waterboarding his Jackson Hole neighbors?

  6. It is to vomit.

  7. RepubAnon says:

    Companies building bomb shelters and selling survival kits may be a good investment with “Yosemite Sam” Bolton back in government…

  8. John Bolton is the only individual I thought was an even bigger psychopath than Trump. It took Trump, though, to get Bolton back into a position of power. This scares me more than ANY of his other appointments.

  9. “So here’s the plan, John. They won’t impeach me when we’re at war, right?”
    Famous last words….

  10. I never thought I’d say this, but perhaps it’s time to start excavating bunkers in our backyard…..

  11. I never thought that the man who would start world war III would look like Wilfred Brimley.

  12. fortunately, the position doesn’t come with the unilateral authority to declare/fund wars. Mr. Bolton may be a cheerleader for starting new wars, but ultimately they have to be agreed to/funded by congress, as well as fought by currently non-existent troops. since even the stupidest republican (i’m looking at you, louie!) knows that reinstituting the draft would be the death knell of the party that does so, absent a direct attack on our shores, by a foreign country, it’s not going to happen.

  13. Litlhorn says:

    Sandridge: My first thought too – 2018’s “Slim Pickens” has arrived, Hat in hand………

  14. As I said, just because he is John the Mustache Bolton doesn’t mean he is going to last any longer than his predecessor or actually be listened to. And yes, capinva, you are damn right on all counts! The D’s won’t go for a war just because the Golden Gibbon thinks it would make him look manly and it pretty much takes all of Congress to do the war thing. And, oh boy, even just the thought or suggestion of reviving the draft will drive this country to pitchforks and torches as it would mean that only the poorest, the most chronically jobless and even homeless would be the source. Why, land sakes, it would even mean that the Dreamers already signed up for the military might even be given instantaneous citizenship!

  15. On the plus side, if you have any money left after yesterday’s Stock Market “Correction,” I understand Bomb Shelter Futures are looking good.

  16. Bolton was never confirmed as UN ambassador.. He should be acting (which is what he did) Ambassador. His nick name at the UN was Yosemite Sam. Trump is bringing Faux news to the WH. Wont have to watch.

  17. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Screaming primal instincts result in feeling that sociopath Henry Kissinger’s recent meetings with our Oval Office psychopath gave us John Bolton….stole this description… whose mustache is more qualified than he is to be anywhere near National Security. Trump used to rant against any and all Bush/Cheney war hawk cabinet/staff…. and now we have this.

    I did see a blurb written that China, Russia & N. Korea would be so terrified of his legacy of nuke ’em blood lust….that they may become less adversarial.

    “The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” ― Henry Kissinger

  18. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    cpinva….yet it is a president’s cabinet members who authorize his launching nuclear weapons without consent of Congress. With Pompeo’s “Jesus returns when Israel is blown off the planet’ and Bolton then Trumps agenda being choreographed by FOX news…tick, tock?

  19. Lunargent says:

    We’re Doomed.

    Not 100% guaranteed, of course.

    But let’s say 87%, give or take.

  20. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    Bolton? Whew! What a relief.

    I was afraid the next NSA would be Alex Jones.

    /end sarcasm

