Just So You Know

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m gonna be redecorating around here in the next couple of weeks.

I am changing servers and while that should work seamlessly, it never does. I don’t know when it will happen but you will know if you come here and there’s no here.

Plus, I have finally broken up with Bill Gates.  Windows 8 was the last straw.  Don’t tell me that I’ll get used to it.  I won’t.  I might learn to use it correctly but I will still hate it.  With a freekin’ passion.  I cuss at it so much that Truman is wanting to move in with Momma.  The only reason I have put off buying a Mac this long is that they cost a lot of money and I am not a rich woman.   But a Mac is cheaper than a psychiatrist in the long run.

I understand there will be a learning curve.  Best I know I can use WordPress on a Mac, so maybe you won’t even notice that I’ve divorced Bill.  Maybe it’ll take me a while to figure it out and you’re sitting there tapping your fingers on the table while I’m getting used to a new keyboard.

So, with all this happening in the next few weeks, I will let you know on Juanita’s Facebook page what’s going on.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Just So You Know”

  1. sailboatslave says:

    You’ll learn to love your Mac and wonder what all the trepidation was about!

  2. Mike in MO says:

    Funny you mention Windows 8, my supervisor was saying something similar today. However I don’t think I could get it printed here even if I put it in quotes and denied even thinking about how you would go about doing that to a computer program.

    Sent to you by a Mac user on,what else, a Mac.

  3. I felt the same way about Windows 8, until I was forced into it.

    Turned out to be painless and I’m starting to even like it.

    However if burning him at the stake makes you happy, I will hold the torch. I’ve grudges going back to the 80s with him.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Crap. I don’t do Facebook. See ya when you return. Hopefully sooner than later.

  5. W C Peterson says:

    When the time comes, there will be aftermarket support for Windows XP and I will keep flogging it to the very last. I have an old hand-crank Toshiba Satellite it’s running on, and I have backed up all my important stuff, so I’m even prepared for a hard drive crash. All my software — including service packs — are on CDs and all passwords and activation codes are in a paper notepad.
    Even if the Toshiba bursts into flame, there are more on eBay for very little money.
    And I drive a 25-year-old-car, too.

  6. VeeGee in VT says:

    JJ, you will love using a MAC. Since I am on a couple of Boards of Directors and we pass documents around, I did invest in MS Office for Mac, but it works just fine, no conflicts.
    Have fun!

  7. Umptydump says:

    Thinking back, it’s hard to believe now that 25 years ago (1988) i got one of the first Toshiba laptops at work. No battery, 120-240V AC only, a one-color, glowing orange plasma screen, MS-DOS (before Windows) and a (gasp!) 10mb hard drive! And I stayed with Microsoft operating systems for another 20 years through numerous laptops, desktops. crashes, viruses and other distractions. Until 2008 when we began the switch to our first iMac, then two aluminum MacBooks, another 27″ iMac and assorted iPods, iPhones, iPads, AirPorts and Apple TVs. The transition was immediate and effortless, and we never looked back.

    What a blessing it is to confidently be able to DO things without being interrupted to FIX the latest PC computing catastrophe.

  8. The cure for Windows 8 is called Windows 7. I have wiped 8 off several computers and put 7 on them instead. The customers are happy and I made money.

  9. Welcome to the Mac world. I’m not a Windows hater, since most of the world’s work is done on pc’s, but have used Macs since the eighties with few problems. The learning curve is pretty easy. Let us know if you need help. And, I use Pages, the Apple word processor. I find it simpler, and you can save any document as a Word file to send to your pc friends. Best wishes.

  10. I switched to a Mac a couple of years ago, and I love it. Currently blogging on a MacBook Air. I think you’ll find the change easy to master, since Macs are very user friendly. They may cost a bit more, but they are quality machines.

  11. Never had anything but Apple since way back in the beginning. Welcome to the bright side. You’re gonna love it!

  12. @Lorraine: You might do what I did – sign up with FB using you first and middle names. I don’t want anyone to find me that easily.

  13. Have a new MAC at work at the office and an even bigger new MAC at home. Cannot believe the screens! I can finally see everything! Had Apple load the MAC with WP 7 since that is a more familiar software for most people. My MAC at home is big enough to also handle the MAC software which would enable me or anyone else to switch from one software to the other. The product the MAC puts out is so sharp it could cut steak! As for keypads, you are not chained to the one that came with the machine. Get one you like that is compatible and then just run and play!

  14. Juanita Jean, I hope you will tweet some updates for those of us who don’t follow you on Facebook. I follow you on Twitter but I am rarely on Facebook these days. Good luck with your new computer and all other changes!

  15. Well, I still have a thing for Bill Gates. Windows 8 and all. Bought my husband an IMAC a couple of years ago. I kept using windows. I did not use his enough to figure out his problems. Sent the IMAC to my grandson who is just starting high school. Bought my husband a Windows 8 so I would know what to do with it. I was also the weirdo that did OK with Windows Vista. But I am an IPhone and IPad convert…….

  16. I’ve been a Mac user since 1988, and I ran PC computers and networks most of that time at work. I haven’t had to fix a friend’s Mac in almost 20 years, and I fix friends’ Windows machines all the time. And unless you’re a dedicated tinkerer and love working with the innards of an operating system, don’t go Linux; leave that to the hobbyists and professionals.

  17. Dianne Gregg in PA says:

    This other Dianne and I are going to have to decide which one of us needs to use a last initial or a state. 🙂 I’ll take Dianne in PA

    Just wanting to echo the other converts from PCs–I went Mac, iPad, iPhone and only wonder what took me so long! I sure don’t miss being hung up waiting on somebody to fix PC glitches, and hardly anybody bothers to write viruses for Macs. This truly is a case of, you get what you pay for.

  18. All computer operating systems and hardware have their irritating features, mostly because everybody who develops them things they know what the rest of us should be doing. That said, I was glad to kiss Windows goodbye when I left my day job — and that was XP, not Win 8 — and love my Mac Air. It’s my second Mac, and I only got the new one because my first one was pre-Intel chip and nobody is writing software for it anymore, meaning I couldn’t update anything, even Firefox. It still works fine.

    The main thing you have to get used to is that the close and reduce and expand buttons are on the left instead of the right. And some functions have different names and are hard to track down. But Word Press works just fine.

  19. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    The only thing you’ll wonder when you ‘convert’ to a Mac is why you waited so long. I have to use a PC and Windows and all that stuff at work. Very frustrating. No learning curve really except it’s confusing that you don’t have to learn stuff. You just go ahead do stuff. Good luck!

  20. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    I don’t do Windows, and I don’t like Macs. I’ve been using Linux for years, and IMO it’s the best OS available. The software is free, and it will run on any hardware you can find. I struggled along on Windows up until XP, and I regret every day I spent using it.

  21. The cheapest and actually the best way to get away from that Windows smell is to boot up an Ubuntu Linux installation disk and watch Monkey Boy fade away in your rear view mirror. It’s been years since I willingly used Windows and I’ve been in a much better place than my friends that are still stuck with it. That said, Macs are nice if there’s smoke coming out of your pocket.

  22. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @Tony Thanks for the tip but I’m not just do not like FB at all. Mark Zuckerberg really creeps me out.
