Just Like a MENSA Meeting Except For, You Know, That IQ Thing

July 06, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Other than the fact that they were drained from the same crankcase, I have no idea about the electric sexual tension between Sarah Palin and Rick Perry.

It made The Hill today.

It’s still too difficult to tell whether one or both will jump in the race. Perry seems more likely, and if he does, Palin might opt out and choose to back her friend.

In fact, during the midst of her recent bus tour, Palin brought Perry’s name up again, unprompted, telling a group of reporters in Baltimore, “I think he would be a fine candidate. We have a lot in common.”

She added: “I really like him.”

That kinda stunned me because I didn’t know that Sarah liked anydamnbody.

The truth is this:  Just because somebody looks like they are in the fast lane doesn’t mean they ain’t just hitchhiking.

I’m taking bets on when one of them is gonna bite the other.  Cause that’s gonna happen.

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