Just in Case You’re in the Neighborhood

February 14, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Nugent’s intellectual equal, Texas Congressvarmint Steve Stockman, is having a town hall meeting.  If you’re in the area, you might want to see a platter of stoopid served up cold.  It can be entertaining.

Congressman Steve Stockman will be in Liberty County for a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 2013, at 7:00 P.M., at the Liberty Civic Center in the City of Liberty complex (across from the Liberty County Courthouse.)  The general public is invited.  Parking for the Liberty Civic Center is accessible from Milam Street between Sam Houston and Trinity Avenues.

I am told that television cameras will be there to see if they can catch some of Stockman’s plans for world domination and the pig’s feet eating championship.

Liberty is not all that far from here.  Folks from Houston can go and get home in time for The Daily Show.

It would be nice to have some foreign correspondents there.   Let me know if you’re going and need a Beauty Salon press pass.  In all fair warning, they are made out of sticky notes and perm papers and not officially recognized by any authority in Texas, but who knows?  This is east Texas, where they still accept confederate money.

Thanks to Norri for the heads up.

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