Just In Case You Haven’t Seen It

November 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wendy Davis is truly pro-life.



Thank you, Wendy Davis.

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0 Comments to “Just In Case You Haven’t Seen It”

  1. Braxton Braggart says:

    I cannot tell you how glad I am that we have a high-profile candidate who will reclaim the notion of what “pro-life” actually means.

  2. shortpeople says:

    According to some, she doesn’t prioritize properly. As we all know, life in the womb is far more important than life that is out walking around.

  3. I am *so* crazy about Wendy! I’ve got my buttons on!

  4. VintageMomma says:

    She also said,”this isn’t about protecting abortion, it’s about protecting women.” This smart, articulate, compassionate woman has the vote of every one in my family (the eldest being 91 years young).

  5. VintageMomma says:

    And I’m with you, Braxton Braggart – I’m so happy and relieved to see a gubernatorial candidate re-frame what it means to be “pro-life.” I’m pro-life, too (and pro-choice, pro gun control and anti-death penalty – I’m kinda attached to the concept of life and would like to see it preserved!)

  6. She is special!

  7. Now THAT’s a pro-life affirmation.

    Keep it up and a redtaxus will become a blue Texas.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Amen and glory hallelujah. Now if she will speak up for seeing that the rural communities don’t get all their water piped to big cities a la Abbott I will be impressed.

  9. As I said to National Memo when I saw that come through on my Twitter feed: “Wendy, you are MADE OF AWESOME!”

  10. And … It’s official: Wendy filed her paperwork yesterday for Texas Governor! Go, Wendy!

