Just For Fun

June 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump is on a Twitter squawk this morning and mentioned that he had met with a member British royalty, The Prince of Whales.



And someone replied —



I’ll bet ya $5 US cash money that Trump can’t you what a Wales is.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Just For Fun”

  1. Ignorance and @ssholishness (I don’t know if this in the Webster’s) are strong in this one.

    The actual whales (if thery could speak) would probably be overjoyed to have Charles as their prince.

    As for the Rump, I ask:

    Nancy what in hell are you waiting for? Wake the f*** up and do something, anything!

  2. BarbinDC says:

    Or, find it on a map.

  3. Someone should tell trump it is PM no periods between!

  4. Someone needs to tell him not to put parentheses around foreign governments. It looks offensive and rude.

  5. Sandridge says:

    “Prince of Whales”
    Thanks a lot, I just choked on my crunchy peanutbutter&jam on Dark German bread brunch…
    RAT45 is lower than whaleshit though, which is way lower than a snake’s belly in a road rut.

  6. In all fairness (ya, right) his orangeness *might* be on to something referring to the Prince of Wales as the Prince of Whales — after all, Charles is a staunch supporter of myriad environmental causes! Certainly Wales er Whales would qualify.

    Could he go even one single day without being a national embarrassment? Just one?

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Stick to what you know, Donnie. Like the Outlaw Jersey Whale. Sad. While Chris may not have been the least crooked among your associates, he is potentially 10 times brighter than you and your maladministration combined. You had a choice, Chris or Jughead, 50-50 and you chose wrong, Donnie.

    Speaking of princes, Donnie. Whales, Wales, walls, did you perhaps mean Prince of Walls? That would be former President Enrique Peña Nieto. Who ICYMI says Mexico is not paying.

  8. I don’t know, I think there’s something fishy about this. We should probably demand a cetacean on all comments until we Sea whether eel change his Tweet or coral someone else to defend it for him. Until them I’m grabbing a cup of coffeve and taking a wade and sea approach.

  9. Sandridge says:

    On the other hand, Donnei is a noted welsher… just ask scores of his stiffed lenders, contractors and investors.
    The Welsh, like everybody else, would say he’s an ‘twll asyn’.

  10. Joe Hill says:

    I bet he thinks the Royals run the UK. He’s that clueless.

    There was a discussion on another forum recently with people speculating on Trumps IQ- many felt it to be under 90, some as low as 70.

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Think what he would have done with the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. Hopeless.

    Looking past the spelling, trump wants his followers to know he’s important because he discussed “Everything!” (the weather, what he had for breakfast) with other Important People. He may actually think it’s the eighteenth century and royalty are politically significant. We should be more worried that he wants to build Fort Trump in Poland to prove he’s standing up to Putin. It makes you long for the sober leadership of Rex Tillerson at the State Dept.

  12. Arakasi says:

    Maybe Trump thought he was meeting Aquaman.

  13. Deb for the win! Love it!

  14. The Surly Professor says:

    That photo needs a caption. “Trump (the one on the right) meeting with the Prince of Wales (on the left)”

    Especially fitting since the whale in the photo is asleep.

  15. Lunargent says:

    Surly Professor-

    That’s fascinating. It never even occurred to me that whales sleep. I sort of assumed their metabolisms slow down and they just sort of stop swimming and drift underwater, or something. But I never really thought about it, because none of the nature programs I watched ever addressed it.

    Is this common behavior, or a pretty unusual occurrence? Are there pods of whales out in the ocean that stop periodically during their migration, and all float vertically with their blowholes above the surface?
