Just Damn Them

November 19, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, maybe it’s just me, although I doubt it, but I think the Repuoicans attacking Vindman was just silly.

Why did you wear your full dress uniform?  Because I can and you can’t.  And here is my purple heart.  Remember when Trump took one an old veteran offered and said, “I’ve always wanted one of these.”  Remember that? That was weird.

Have you ever talked to Donald Trump?  No, but as the White House’s top Ukraine advisor, you’d think an intellectually curious president would want to talk to me, ya think?

Somebody smarter than I am just noticed that Trump has tweeted or re-tweeted 26 times since 9:00 am this morning.  I wish we had a president.


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