Just Borrow the Money From Daddy, Like the Romney Boys Do
Oh crap.
They have royally hacked me off now.
Student loans. Republicans want to double the interest rates on student loans. Well crap, they outsource all the jobs anyway so who need educated people?
Democrats suggested that we raise the Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes on certain high-earners to stop the increase. But, noooooo. God forbid we should have Paris Hilton and the Kardashians pay a little more on their social security. Better our college students should pay because – well, hell – it’s pretty damn obviously that Paris Hilton and the Kardashians didn’t need an education to get rich.
So what did student loans get us anyway? Barack and Michelle Obama, that’s what. Who needs more of that?
Student loans = Barack Obama
No student loans = Paris Hilton
So now you know why Republicans aren’t all the crazy about student loans.
God forgive me, I just hate those people.