Just Another Day in Trumpland

April 21, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, North Korea, Trump

Let’s recap today’s news:

  1. Trump blurted out yesterday that he’s stopping ALL immigration, no how, why, timing, nothing.
  2. After 30 minutes of guys in uniforms talking about how they are ramping up the supply chain for testing, Trump took the mic and said that “a lot of people really don’t want testing”.
  3. US coronavirus infections continued to grow at a rate to double cases every 4 days.
  4. Idiot Trumpists continue to protest in public to immediately lift all stay at home restrictions, supported by idiot governors to start doing just that, egged on by Trump.
  5. Crude oil futures prices fell from $20 per barrel to NEGATIVE $35 per barrel.  That’s right, holders of crude contracts had to PAY buyers to take them off their hands.  This morning June price is down 25% and still falling.
  6. Kim Jong Un has disappeared, and rumors are that he underwent heart surgery and is very ill or even already dead.
  7. The largest mass shooting in Canada’s history happened this weekend.

On a happy note, the Rockefeller Foundation has stepped up to take away dependence on Trump for massive testing.  They are investing an initial $15 million to rapidly expand testing starting at 1 million tests per week to 30 million in 6 months.

Other than that, nothing going on today.

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