Just a Thought

November 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Am I the only one who sees Karl Rove’s fingerprints all over this Herman Cain thing?

And if that’s true, who is Karl working for?  My bet is that he’s either working for Romney or the GOP establishment who knows that Cain is an embarrassment.

Now y’all didn’t really expect Karl to come home and spend his time fishing, now did ya?

And I saw my friend Lou Dubose of the Washington Spectator on Rachel’s show last night, practically speechless over trying to explain Rick Perry’s Cornerstone speech.  The D words – drugs and drunk – did come up.  Like Lou, I’ve listened to more Rick Perry speeches than self-preservation will allow me to recall, and I’ve never seen this Rick before.

As you know, we here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., have repeatedly told you that Rick Perry is NOT gay.  Not.

And Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen agrees, telling me this morning, “I’m sure that speech will TOTALLY dispel the ugly rumor that Rick Perry is gay. There is nothing in that speech that would indicate that Perry is an extremely effeminate gay man. Not a thing.”

That speech just proves that Rick Perry is fabulously not gay.

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