Just a Regular Modern Day Lincoln

October 23, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, Donald Trump went to speak to Republicans in Gettysburg.  Yeah.  He decided to go out in a blaze of historic glory.

trump_scumdogDonald Trump traveled Saturday to the site of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War, where he suggested that the United States is nearly as divided now as it was then. But instead of laying out his vision for uniting the country, as President Abraham Lincoln once did here, Trump declared that the system is rigged against him, that election results cannot be trusted, that Hillary Clinton should have been barred from running for president, that the media is “corrupt” and that he will sue all of the women who have accused him of sexual assault.

Remember Newt’s Contract With America?  Compared to this, that idea wasn’t all that bad.

As an aside, it just seems kind of weird to me that some damn billionaire tries to claim that the system is rigged.


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0 Comments to “Just a Regular Modern Day Lincoln”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Newt put out a contract onAmerica, designed to destroy everything we prized as a nation. Through Dubya and Trumpski, Newt can say “Mission Accomplished.”

  2. It must be a bitch being born White, Rich and able bodied.
    Being born on 3rd base, and very few think you hit a triple.
    Even when you tell them to believe you, they don’t. What could be harder than that. [books have been written on this by the way.] Poor little cry baby. Such a hard life. Being a rich star. Well boo hoo. Cry me a river.
    Don’t Glote, VOTE.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    He can SAY he’s a billionaire, but that doesn’t necessarily make it so. He wants this country to implode so he can blame someone else!!

  4. http://www.politicususa.com/2016/10/23/lone-star-stunner-hillary-clinton-tied-trump-texas.html

    I couldn’t tell whether this went through in “Tell Juanita” because I have a weak innertube connection this morning, so just in case….

  5. Sharon Kettelhut says:

    If William Bedford Forrest had given the Gettysburg address it might have sounded much the same.

  6. The New Yorker endorsed Clinton and wrote one of the best articles I have seen about this election and the candidates:

  7. Bob in Bartlett says:

    Sharon Kettelhut, I think you mean Nathan Bedford Forrest, Civil War general and founder of the KKK.

  8. @LynnN

    Don’t mean to sound or be argumentative, but the Atlantic’s endorsement of Secy Clinton trumps (sorry, maybe I should have said “surpasses”) ALL other endorsements! “For the third time since The Atlantic’s founding, the editors endorse a candidate for president.”


  9. Sharon and Bob in Bartlett; Forrest enlisted and rose to Lt Gen. Lots on him in Shelby Foote’s trilogy, “The Civil War”. He was the only southern gen’l Grant and Sherman feared because he was so unpredictably effective. After the war, the carpetbaggers came south to screw the south in many cases. After Lincoln’s death, the conservatives in congress under Thadeus Stevens imposed harsh conditions upon the south contrary to Lincoln’s intentions.
    Forrest and other southerners started the KKK as a result but the KKK became too violent and Forrest quit it.
    The tv “Civil War” series was based in large part upon Foote who also stated that the Civil War produced 2 geniuses; Lincoln and Forrest.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    It’s been a year and a half. Seems longer, no? Over 20 candidates from all parties. And so we’re down to one — Hillary Clinton. Choice? Oh, please. There is no “choice”. There are no other viable candidates. That conclusion was reached months ago. Undecided? Stay home. Don’t vote. You haven’t been paying attention. For Trump… or Johnson… or Stein… you drank the Kool-Aid long ago. You, too have not done your homework. Stay home. Don’t vote.

    This is no longer a Presidential election. This is a referendum on America — who we are. Are we thoughtful? Rational? Discerning? Or are we just a bunch of pissed-off, non-thinking punks. A bunch of screw-ups who spend their time pointing fingers and blaming others for their lot in life? Or are we active, involved, knowledgeable people? This election is much more than most realize. The world is watching. And they will be asking “Who are you?”

    Our answer will be revealing.

  11. JAK, gotta say you have hit the nail upon the head …”are we just a bunch of pissed-off, non-thinking punks. A bunch of screw-ups who spend their time pointing fingers and blaming others for their lot” This bunch has trouble counting to ten on their hands or feet and refuses to learn a damn thing yet the average earned income nationally among them is $72,000! I guess what they really want his kisses on top of that. Not just can’t but won’t do that for them. Better they should try to kiss their own elbow if they want that sort of affection – which they will not work for!

  12. I wish it was rigged against him!!! Then I would not worry so much about him & the rePUKEians winning!!!

  13. Sanborne Addison says:

    In honor of Don Piovra’s Grievanceburg Address, I submit the following recipe:

    For each pound of lean ground beef, mix in 1/3 tsp coarse ground Harlem blend garlic black pepper, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp Alngostura bitters, 1 Tbsp fresh minced onion (the more tears shed, the better), and Worcestershire sauce to taste.

  14. Sanborne Addison says:

    Part II: Allow ingredients to blend flavors in fridge for several hours. Shape into patties and grill to desired degree of doneness. Serve with Nasty Woman cocktails, preferably made with Bad Hombre tequila.

  15. Thanks for the new Yorker link, LynnN. That is one of the best endorsements I’ve seen. It is so worth reading.

  16. Trump’s right the system’s rigged. Those eighteen years of tax immunity, he bought those!

  17. Lunargent says:

    JAKv –
    Unfortunately, all of the above. It’s just a question of who shows up and votes. And often these traits occur in a single person, depending upon the issue. Everyone’s irrational about something, even if they’re essentially sane on other subjects.

    I’m rooting for The Better Angels of Our Nature. And hoping that those who are still, incredibly, undecided will realize that we really need a Grownup in charge.

  18. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @Bob in Bartlett#7- I’d be sure the name intended was Nathan Bedford Forrest. There’s still a state park in Tennesee named for him, though that naming is a source of some contention in the state legislature,
    @van59#9- I believe it important, when reading Foote, to remember he was born,raised, and died a Southerner.dof the opinion that the “fear” he inspired and his “unpredictable efficiency arose from his brutality. Forrest was also the senior Confederate officer at the Ft. Pillow massacre. More on this event may be had by reading River Run Red: the Fort Pillow massacre in the American civil war. by Andrew Ward.
