Just a Little Fraud Among Friends

February 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Republicans are all pissy about hoochy-koochy, not even wanting sex education in the schools?  And the next thing you know, another Republican man gets caught doing really perverted stuff?

You know how Republicans are all pissy about voter fraud, claiming we steal elections with our massive voter fraud machine?  And the next thing you know …

Indiana’s top elections official has been found guilty of six of seven voter fraud-related charges and faces removal from office.

Of course, he’s Republican.

Yep, Indiana’s Secretary of State, Charlie White, has been guilty of seven felony charges of voter fraud.   Seven.

Just FYI:  Anything Republicans whine about: they’re doing it times seven.  Write that down somewhere so you won’t forget it.

Thanks to Bragg for the heads-up.

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