Junior Janochek, Jr.

November 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Junior Janochek, Jr. is very excited.  He’s hoping to raise enough money to bail his mother out of jail after she had that unfortunate tractor accident involving that cute little ole widow woman down at Buck Pochek’s Rural Entertainment Consortium, the details of which are better left to TMZ.

Junior has discovered that he can announce that he’s running for Governor of Texas, get some tee-shirts and yard signs printed, and sell those suckers to raise money.  Junior ain’t gonna run for governor because who the hell wants to be governor, but he needs money.

And where did he discover this method of monetary bliss?


It seems that Kid Rock announced a run for Senate and sold a mess of tee-shirts and yard signs.  Now he’s not telling where the money went.

Kid says he never intended to run for senate.  It looks like there will be showdown at the Federal Elections Commission.

Until then, wish Junior, Jr luck with getting his momma outta jail before Black Friday because there’s this electric knife down at Walmart … you don’t wanna know.


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0 Comments to “Junior Janochek, Jr.”

  1. “I can tell you, I have no problem selling Kid Rock shirts and yes, I absolutely will use this media circus to sell/promote whatever I damn well please,” the artist’s statement said.
    He fits in so well with the rest of the Trump Administration and his pal Caribou Barbie.

  2. Junior J, Jr (JJJ) is a born Republican. Fox will have him on soon as a political annalist and then Trump will promote him as Ambassador to Texas.

  3. Coming soon! Kid Rock’s long awaited new album “For U.S. Senate.” With the hit songs “Gonna Pass Some Legislation” and “Filibuster All Night Long!”

    T shirts also available.

    (Promotional materials on request for members of the Federal Elections Commision)

  4. WA Skeptic says:

    The Director of the FEC said a long time ago that the agency is a toothless wolf; I’d love to see these creeps do some time, but I’m not sanguine.
