July 15th Approaches

July 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For those in the know, Operation Jade Helm – Obama’s secret plot to become king and herd all the white people into concentration camps – starts on July 15th.

The folks in Bastrop, Texas, are perfectly aware of that and have not been fooled by the army’s lame excuses that there will only be 60 troops in Bastrop and they will be stationed at a current National Guard base.  No, sireeee.

[Republican] county Chairman Albert Ellison pulled out a yellow legal pad on which he had handwritten page after page of reasons why many Texans distrust President Obama, including the fact that, “in the minds of some, he was raised by communists and mentored by terrorists.”

Well, there ya go.

Even the white elected officials see racism in the bender set to purée when it comes to the irrational fear of Jade Helm.

Here in the soft, green farmlands east of Austin, some say the answer is simple: “The truth is, this stems a fair amount from the fact that we have a black president,” said Terry Orr, who was Bastrop’s mayor from 2008 to 2014.

Ya think?

The Washington Post this morning outlines pretty much what’s happening.  And there’s now reason for all sides to be concerned.

Others suspect Obama wants to establish martial law to cancel the 2016 presidential elections and extend his term in office. Terry Wareham, head of the Bastrop County Tea Party, said she fears that the Obama administration might deliberately instigate violence between soldiers and Texans as a pretext for establishing martial law.

Yeah, well, Ms. Wearham, I fear the exact opposite.  I fear you fools are going to try to start something.  You guys are Cliven Bundy on steroids.  You are damned and determined to shoot something.  You’re just itching to play cowboys and black presidents, aren’t ya?

It’s gonna be a long, hot summer.

Thanks to Barbara in Bastrop for the heads up.

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