Judge Fred Biery: Doing The Lord’s Work

March 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’ve talk about Judge Fred Biery before.  Judge Biery may well be one of the best things Bill Clinton ever did.  In 1994, Clinton appointed Biery a federal judge.

Biery is a graduate of the Texas Lutheran College and Southern Methodist University law school.  He can Bible drill with the best of them.  But, the best thing about Judge Biery is that both Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich do the Christian Seethe Two Step when Biery’s name is mentioned.

Biery thinks that freedom of religion means freedom of everybody’s religion, not just your own. So when an atheist student at a Texas high school did not want to pray like her Superintendent of School and band director  thought she should, the Judge told them to back off.  An agreement was reached that told the district to leave the child alone.

Biery’s famous ruling  took this form of reprimand to the adult Christian zealots wanting this teenager to say their prayer:

Any American can pray, silently or verbally, seven days a week, twenty four hours a day, in private as Jesus taught or in large public events as Mohammed instructed.

After the ruling, the adults did the Christian thing – they bad-mouthed the teen in on television and on Facebook.

Crap. No, seriously, that is bang your head against the wall crapola, pure and simple.

Facebook?  Adults charged with the education of our children disparaged a teenager on Facebook? And television?

Now you tell me who needs to pray.

So, the good Judge Biery wrote another ruling because his first ruling explicitly stated that the “district agreed its employees will not disparage the plaintiffs.”

Biery’s ruling was one of an adult.

Biery, who can enforce the settlement for the next 10 years, ordered the district employees to privately sign a statement apologizing within 10 days and also instructed the plaintiffs to sign a statement saying they accept the apologies.

“The court does not expect the parties to hold hands and sing ‘Kumbaya’ around a campfire beside the Medina River,” Biery wrote. “Nor does the court expect the respondents to engage in a public spectacle of self-flaggellation for communicating words better left unsaid.

Thank you, Bill Clinton, for giving us a Federal Judge who acts like a Christian should.

And who is very funny.  That’s just the bonus.

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