Juanita’s Big Ole Crush on Paul Krugman

July 20, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If Paul Krugman ever comes to town, Juanita will hurt you to get on the front row and flirt with him.  She is sweet on that man.  One time Verdelia ended up looking like that Rebekah Brooks woman because Paul Krugman came on teevee while Juanita was giving her a perm.

Krugman did a blog post yesterday on the ethical bonfire of Glenn Beck selling gold on his show.  Beck, with a financial stake in Goldline, had much to gain by pushing pushing fears of hyperinflation.

But, even more enlightening was this comment by a reader —

You didn’t push your analogy far enough.

The primary market for Gold recently has been fiscal conservatives. Many of those same affluent conservatives either supported or became recent inductees into the House of Representatives.

Because gold is in theory a hedge against Hyperinflation, arguably if the United States defaults on its debt, the value of gold goes up and these conservatives stand to make a killing. If the United States becomes solvent, the price of gold will go down and a lot of fiscal conservatives stand to loose a lot of money.

Have I told you lately that I just hate Republicans?  Well, I hate those sons of motherless goats.  I do.  They will steal little kids’ lunch money.  I’m still hoping they’re just temporary.

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