Joy to the World!

December 06, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

GOP Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore decided it would be a fun idea to post a holiday photo of her adorable family. Click the little one to get the big one.



Appropriately, they are wearing red because they are embarrassing.

First question: why is that little boy in the front row holding a deadly weapon?  Aren’t y’all afraid of pissing him off?

Second question:  does anybody in this family own a pair of shoes?

On a personal note, I had the distinct honor of meeting Lucy Flores from Nevada, who is running for congress from Nevada.  She would be the first Latina elected to represent Nevada from the 4th congressional district.  She has an amazing life story and would do Nevada proud.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Joy to the World!”

  1. oldymoldy says:

    This is really, really sad!
    What in hell is happening to us?

  2. Santa doesn’t stand a chance. Hope everyone at Juanita Jean’s get their gifts before the Fiore’s chimney shootout. Make that massacre. Santa would have to be armed for it to be a shootout.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Michele Fiore, third woman in line to embarrass Nevada, after Sharron Angle and Sue Lowden.

    Don’t look at the faces. Check out the feet. Particularly the right foot of Michele displaying two toes, either the result of inbreeding or her ‘skill’ with weapons.

    In addition to being a wing nut politician, her skills include failed porn actress. It has been said Viagra should sue her for killing their sales in NV. Haven’t seen her ‘acting’ nor do I plan to see it. Word on the street has it that mere viewing of her film can cause irreversible STDs.

    Thanks Shelly Adelson from all of Nevada for unleashing the Tea Baggers on us. Please, please, please go hunting with Darth Dickey or make a pilgrimage to the Bundy Ranch.

  4. Of course, guns before shoes. This just about says it all.
    The spirit of Christmas according to the Republic-Klan.
    Right about now, I’d like to quote Clark Griswold’s toast to his skinflint boss after receiving his “Jelly of the Month” bonus, but the only part Mama would approve is “Where’s the Tylenol?”.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick, Santa has already listed NV as a no fly zone, or at least Clark and Douglas counties. There’s a reason Jane and I live so far northwest that we are a town away from a zip code. No joke, no zip code; Gerlach is the nearest.

  6. Because nothing says “Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus” like a loaded gun.

  7. I presume they are celebrating the holidays with the duck dynasty family? What a tacky looking bunch.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    All the femme fatales are barefoot. Pregnant,too???

    If gawd created everything why wasn’t jeebus able to blast his way out of crucifiction with an Uzi-since he is/was/? jewish.

  9. AliceBeth says:

    I must have missed the gun symbolism and theme in my previous more than 60 Christmases. Do not plan to add any unless Jesus appears and says it is what he wants. if he does, I will make sure there is video. This “elected official” used to do porn??? Not sure why I am surprised.

  10. Sam in San Antonio says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there was one less person in the picture next year as a result of a shooting accident.

  11. My first question was: why are the toddlers not packing too?

    Then I looked at the enlarged version. Oh for Chr– that fine print in the upper left corner identifies everyone AND THE GUNS. But I suppose everyone who would enjoy this seasonal greeting would already know what each of the damn things is.

    And I bet every one of them is loaded. Should be a fun time for all when one of the toddlers gets their hands on one.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    I’m so sorry for them.

  13. What is wrong with those people?! In their little world a holiday celebrating the birth date of the Prince of Peace is an appropriate occasion for a photo featuring their guns at equal billing with themselves And Their Children?!?

    That is so *FITH!

    *F___ed In The Head

  14. slipstream says:

    PKM — I don’t think that’s two toes.

    Looks more like a cloven hoof.

  15. Aggieland Liz says:

    @slipstream-my impression exactly! I seem to smell sulfur too!

  16. slipstream says:

    Sorry, aggieland — that was me.

  17. That happy family group reminds me of Cheryl Wheeler’s “Don’t Forget the Guns,” her sarcastic description of a family like this preparing for a vacation:

    Don’t forget the guns, you know exactly what I mean–
    Bring the pistols, bring the Uzi and the old AR-15.
    We don’t look for trouble, but by golly if we’re in it,
    It’s nice to know we’re free to blow 900 rounds a minute!

  18. 9mm Christmas Carol:

    Gun nuts boasting they will open fire
    Young kids shooting off their toes
    Redstate tales being told by the fire
    Gun oil perfume up your nose …

    So I’m offering this simple refrain
    for kids from one to ninety-two
    If you have to wave that thing in my face:
    Merry Christmas, f**k you.

    These people are using up air that could inflate thousands of tires.

  19. Merry Christmas from The Fourth Reich!

  20. Um, are they maybe trying to be the Clampetts of the Digital Age? And no way is this a card in the spirit of the Prince of Peace! Obviously, a lot of evidence of insufficient diversification.

  21. Marcia in CO says:

    Evidently she can’t find jeans in her length or the too-long-legs on her ratty jeans passes for some type of foot covering!

    I think this same Bimbo is the one spewing the idea that baking soda cures cancer!!

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    Maggie, the Clampetts were nice.

    Slipstream, you beat me to the cloven hoof comment. Might be taking too much of her own medicine.

  23. Marcia in CO says:

    Yup, same Bimbo …

    Some Italian oncologist was the first to push this theory!

  24. Great lyrics, Dice. May I steal them?
    I’d like to sing this carol to my right-wing relatives.

  25. The dead look in their eyes smacks of inbreeding.

  26. UmptyDump says:

    Jesus wept.

  27. I doubt anyone in that family can tie a pair of shoes.
    I’m honestly surprised the infant isn’t strapped.

  28. Maryelle–

    Please be my guest. Sorry to be so long getting back; bad Monday.

  29. “And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
    The prancing and pawing of meat on the hoof
    I grabbed my assault rifle and fired 80 rounds
    and dinner for months splattered all over the grounds”

  30. Ho-Ho-Holy Crap!
