John Cornyn’s Sticky Fingers

January 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Cornyn has learned so much from having Trump Rump for three meals a day. Laws are for other people.

Lookie right here at what the Federal Ethics Commission is concerned about.  Scroll to the three page attachment toward the end and you will find “Apparent Excessive, Prohibited, and Impermissible Contributions” to Texans for Cornyn.



See if any of your friends are on the list.  I suspect that Cornyn knows it’s gonna take a helluva lot of money for him to win reelection in November.

Thanks to Alfred over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “John Cornyn’s Sticky Fingers”

  1. Sounds like a FEC*less disregard of the rules imho.

  2. Gee is the International Bank of Commerce cited a reincarnation of the infamous bank for crooks BCCI of perjurer poppa’s era.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    November 3rd, remember to vote! And take your registered voter friends with you. And remind your registered voter kids to vote.

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    A very lazy search (using Google) brings up that Howard W. Beck is a urologist. One with reviews with things like:

    “Misdiagnosed and condescending”


    “In it for the MONEY. The front desk is very rude, will not recommend him to anyone. Still having problems with my prostate and kidney”

    “rude, belittling and heartless”

    and a particularly horrendous one that starts out “Struvite stone 5cms large was lithotripsied and blown into thousands of smaller stones” but only read it is you’ve never even had a kidney stone.

    Yes, on-line reviews are questionable. But this guy has a couple of five-star “he fixed my pee-pee”, and the rest are detailed horror stories.

    Damn. I’ve got a great idea for an app, called “has this quack donated to Republicans”, they seems to do so in hopes of having all malpractice laws abrogated.

    [and again megasoid is one of my favorite humans, for the “FEC-less” comment].

  5. K @2,
    International Bank of Commerce [IBC Bank] is actually a Laredo, TX bank, now one of the largest Texas [and US] banks. It started out as a small local Laredo bank in 1966.
    When the whole so-called “War on Drugs” got going in the 1970/80’s, and the Texas border became an extremely active trans-shipment area, with the drugs moving north, and the money moving south, –the IBC grew exponentially for years–.
    The amount of money involved flowing into Laredo and the Rio Grande Valley one hundred miles SE [then into Mexico], many billions, was enough to distort the US and Mexican economies.
    It even attracted the attention of the Dallas Federal Reserve, which monitors currency flows. The Dallas Fed ‘investigated’ the matter for a long time, issued a few reports, then quietly faded away.
    This immense influx of money occurred in what then, and now, is one of the US’s highest poverty areas [top 2-3 then], explain that.
    I lived and worked in the area [including Laredo] and watched this play out.

    Look up Laredo TX-28 US Rep. Henry Cuellar’s FEC election donor records and see who some of his top contributors have been since he became a politician… Similar to another border Rep who was also my [former] Rep, Solomon Ortiz, who was first elected back in 1984.

    Were there ‘connections’ between all these drug, money and politics factoids? You may look into it, let Occam’s Razor be your guide. ;] If I’m gone in a few months somebody leaked or figured out my id…. trust me, I saw how it worked/works down here, lots of ‘interesting’ observations made.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, this fine piece of Alfredo’s research needs to be forwarded to MJ Hegar’s campaign to be used in ads, etc. Every bit that can be used to unseat Cornyn is a tasty tidbit.

  7. And, as you might suspect, if you e-mail Cornyn on this or any other issue all you will receive in return is either a generic, completely useless e-mail or a request for a campaign donation. Cornyn is a spineless, boot-licking coward. My only regret in leaving Texas is April is that I won’t be here to help get rid of him and Cruz.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    brian@7: one leaves, and maybe two will enter. My long-suffering spouse and I may end up in Texas before November. We’ll not only vote against Cornyn, we’ll scowl and make ugly faces at him if we ever see him in person.

    As for Cruz, my opinion of him could not be lower if he really was the Zodiac Killer.
