John Cornyn

September 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Cornyn has often gotten into trouble for taking questionable political contributions and by questionable, I mean from crooks.

Now I don’t know if that’s because everybody in the Republican Party is a crook or that crooks are just naturally attracted to John Cornyn.

Back in April of last year, a man named Harry Sargeant gave Cornyn $5,600, the legal limit.  The limit was legal but Mr. Sergeant isn’t.  He owns a company named Sargeant Marine.

Sargeant Marine and its affiliates, through its employees and agents, concealed bribe payments to Brazilian government officials by creating fake consulting contracts and fake invoices by using cash payments and by wiring millions of dollars from the United States to offshore bank accounts held in the name of shell companies of bribe middlemen.  As a result of the Brazilian bribery scheme, Sargeant Marine and its affiliated companies earned profits of approximately $26.5 million.

They plead guilty last week and agreed to a $16.6 million dollar fine.  That means they only came out $10 million ahead, which certainly makes bribery a little bit unattractive.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.  


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