Joel Osteen

September 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Roy Zimmerman praises Joel Osteen with brilliant lyrics. (You can skip over the two commercials at the beginning after 5 seconds each.  It’s totally worth it.)



Thelma figured out why Joel Osteen needs all that money.  He’s using it for scientific research to figure out how to get a camel through the eye of a needle.


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0 Comments to “Joel Osteen”

  1. Great song, I checked out the other you tube video. He says he does not believe he has to be poor, or so the bible says. I cannot remember the hymn, but when I was younger I can still remember a visiting Bishop reciting a line that stated ” rich in things but poor in soul”. Fits Olsteen don’t you think?

  2. That is excellent!

  3. What we are seeing here is an accumulation of grifters and charlatans in the tax avoidance scheme of all times. In a phrase, “it’s OK to be greedy.” Better still if one can bilk the taxpayers even more than their pitiful dupes.

    Bless the hearts of the faithful. They didn’t lose the faith with Jim Jones, Guyana and cyanide laced Flavor Aid. Warren Steed Jeffs didn’t “shake the faith,” despite multiple crimes including pedophilia. Law suit won against several diocese for sexual abuse? Meh.

    Unholy crap. The “render onto Caesar” is long overdue in the education of the ‘Christian’ faith based ignorant. It will be a slow process. But taxation would be an initial first step into smacking them into a reality based 21st century.

    Let us “save” them before Osteen and his ilk bleed them dry.

  4. I love Ray Stevens, too: (you can find the lyrics by searching for “would Jesus wear a Rolex?”)

  5. Thank you! I’ve been sending it to everyone I know.

  6. Anybody who pushes “Prosperity Gospel” should be required to wear a big sign that says “I have not read or understood one word that Jesus ever said.”

    “Lying Preacher Blues” by Gaye Adegbalola

    Any preacher who’s driving a Jaguar is living a lie
    Any preacher who’s driving a Hum V is living a lie
    I don’t stand in judgment
    But when you talk about an eye for an eye
    Any preacher driving a Jaguar is living a lie

    Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
    What would Jesus do?
    What would Jesus wear?
    Who would Jesus shoot?

    Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
    Now I call on you
    I heard that Jesus
    Loves me too….

    Somebody said that Jesus probably didn’t own more than one robe and walked (almost) everywhere he went, so any preacher who wanted to flaunt his riches ought to be that much better than Jesus. Any takers?

  7. It’s no wonder these grifters rake it in. Their victims are the same people who believe that Trump is their savior. Sadly lacking in critical thinking skills, these chumps fall for the most ridiculous scams.

  8. I drove by Joel Osteen’s mega-church today. They have a couple of those programmable electronic signs set out along the freeway feeder road, saying “Lakewood Church Cares About Houston” or words to that effect. I do believe Joel is concerned his gravy train might be impacted by the bad publicity around his unresponsiveness to the flooding disaster.

  9. Karen Crosby says:

    Junanita Jean has said this before very recently but I want to say it after listening to Zimmerman’s song. Osteen is a welfare queen and a snake oil salesman. Tax his butt.

  10. The “Prosperity Gospel” and “Rapture” are pure hokem, pushed by grifters and charlatans who care about nothing but themselves. I don’t understand how people who supposedly have brains can’t figure that out. Critical thinking severely lacking. Sad!

  11. I was once part of the professional religious ranks. My denomination and work were wholly legitimate and I never came within eyesight of wealthy, but people like Oshole make life that much more difficult for folks who are trying to do it right and truly minister to those in need. BTW, pastors pay federal income tax like anyone else, but its the property tax, if the building is owned by the church, that is not levied. I’d like to see a property tax on any valuation over a certain amount. The small churches I served would definitely be hurt by a property tax, and they did every bit of good they could. Maybe the tax could be on the amount above the average for that area. Or something.

  12. That was a good little ditty. Thanks JJ. I remember Ray Stevens and he was right on the money.

    Rhea, are you familiar with “Sapphire, the Uppity Blues Women?” Gaye Adegbalola played lead guitar for them. They included an outstanding blues/boogie woogie piano player, Ann Raben, and a bass player whose name eludes me now. They were indeed uppity and lots of fun. Wrote their own songs, sassy counterparts to the males singing about how ‘she done him wrong.’ In addition to their CDs in the 90s, I got to see them live in Minneapolis. What a fun show. They all sang.

  13. Tilphousia says:

    Osteen requested donations from the hurricane survivors staying at his megachurch. Well, they were having a ‘service’.

  14. Ted in Austin says:

    Tell Joel, “I’ll put the Christ in Christmas when you put The Christ in Christian!”

  15. Susan Crites says:

    Roy Zimmerman is an absolutely amazing musician. I think he’s the Woody Guthrie of our time, just as heartfelt and lefty radical, but hilarious to boot! Go check out more of his work on the YouTube!

  16. Debbo, I think I have all of Saffire’s CDs and heard them, collectively and separately, in concert several times. I was sorry they broke up– wonderful fun. One of them spoke in an interview about coming up with lyrics for the song “You better straighten up and fly right if you want to keep your landing rights on my runway.” The fans were a big help, she said– “You mention a joystick and they just scream.” I gave some of their music to a friend of mine. She said later that her husband complained that every time he got in her car, the song playing was “Middle Age Blues Boogie”:

  17. Its theatrics, folks. People love a good bit of theatre even if it renders them penniless, homeless, etc. The Barking Yam on the campaign trail was theatre for sure. No wonder so many soap opera fans turned out for his stump stops. It was an escape from reality. But even soap operas have their final seasons, their last two hour long show. And years afterwards, nobody except the tabloids wonder where the stars all went and how the ended up. Happy? Depressed? In jail? In a rubber room? Just keep that in mind.

  18. Opinionated Hussy says:

    This needed a coffee/tea alert….darn near spit my tea all over my computer screen at the line “You’re even slicker than your hair”….what a hoot!

  19. Rhea –
    Thanks for posting that link! Where has “Silver Beaver” been all my life?
