Job Hunting

June 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that Trump is looking for work.

Yesterday, he tweeted an ad for one of his friends.



Well, not the Amazon Best Seller #1 or #20.  And, come to find out.  If you dial the 800 number instead of ordering it on Amazon, you’re gonna get a little surprise.



It’s called a negative option marketing scheme.  Which pretty much describes Trump’s entire presidency. Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen thinks Trump should just go ahead and start selling ginsu knives on twitter.  Plus, you get a potato peeler and a matching fork.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Job Hunting”

  1. Looks to me like Trump is getting started on selections for his post-presidential library.

    For the public viewing area anyway. As Trump has stated “I will consider every conversation with me as president to be highly classified.” By the time he leaves office he’ll presumably include his papers as classified, like his tax returns, keeping law enforcement researchers at bay.

  2. Ormond Otvos says:

    The next president can DEclassify them.
    Presto Change-o!

  3. Off topic TV programing note:

    PBS Friday (9 p.m. but check local listings).
    “Ann Richards has walked through fire, and the fire lost.”

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Knives would be a start for Covidiot* 45. But having seen what fun Donnie* had pretending to drive a big rig and blowing its horn, he should consider demonstrating farm equipment. Fun with combines and balers. What could possibly go wrong?

  5. twocrows says:

    NewsMax and whatever that second mag is must be hurting. But then, I guess that’s always been the case:

    Back in the early 1990’s, shortly after I got my first computer and before I’d learned to be VERY cautious about what I clicked on, I managed to get on NewMax’s mailing list. I played hell getting off it, too. They hid their ‘unsubscribe’ button very efficiently. You had to log into their website and do it there. And they tried really, really hard to dissuade you.

    And this was an UNPAID subscription. I guess it was for bragging rights, “See how big our readership list is?”

    And to sell to other far-right groups, too. I had to change my email address soon thereafter to get the target off my back.

  6. Trump can’t demonstrate the potato peeler as it’s a bit too complicated.

  7. BarbinDC says:

    I am just exhausted from the daily fire hose of news about this loathsome person. I don’t even have baseball to take me away for a rapturous 3+ hours every day. November simply can not get here soon enough.

  8. I can offer him a job. Broom and shovel to clean up the caca del Toro he leaves behind.

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    If you order at the 800 number they also get your credit card info and your phone number, so you may end up having to change those, too. I’ll wait for the movie, thanks.

  10. Here is hoping his next job is in the prison laundry or perhaps on the latrine cleaning crew.

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    JJ, you made a mistake. The Amazon link you posted was for their nonfiction books. Anything by Horowitz or posted by Trump goes into the beyond-fantasy fiction section.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I see his campaign is also accused of wire fraud using Jr as a front man.
    It’s so pitiful to see Trumpf graveling, SCOTUS hates him, mask wearers hate him, many of his staff hate. I hope most voters hate him. I’m not so sure Melanoma isn’t repulsed by him, but money talks.
    Anyway, he can be a front man for My Pillow guy when he limps out of the White House with his tail between his legs.
    Here’s hoping his Tulsa rally is literally sickening.
    Have a good weekend all.

  13. It actually is #1 on Amazon… in Political Conservatism & Liberalism.

  14. Did anybody else see Ann on PBS?
    It was purty awesome.

  15. Karen in New Mexico says:

    P.P. @13 – I did!! It was the best 2 hours I’ve spent in weeks. Loved it. I wish Ann, Molly and Barbara were still with us. Texas needs them and the nation needs them.

  16. yet another baby boomer says:

    P.P. @13 I saw it and laughed out loud at everything! Holland Taylor was quite good. Favorite lines: “I’m getting so forgetful. Pretty soon I’m gonna be able to hide my own Easter eggs.”
    Still laughing over that one.

  17. maryelle says:

    Grifters gotta grift.
    Drumpf could have a great future hawking Miracle Water,
    if the Huckabucks haven’t cornered the market by the time
    he gets booted out.

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    TwoCrows and maryelle … “But Wait! There’s More!”
    Actually, I have another item to add to NewsMax’s companion mags, there’s also The Right Thinker (Stinker). A relative had an article published there. I wrote to him and picked the whole thing to pieces. Never spoke to me again. Back to NewsMax, I think of it as a prime place to purchase Navy Seal crap, any amount of “tactical” gear, and “gold” coins.

  19. Yeah, I’d like to see the Orange Menace with a sharp knife and a piece of fruit or maybe a carrot, you know how they roll around if you don’t hold them steady.
    Do you think he is even capable of putting a bandaid on a boo-boo? I don’t. Ooh, ooh, then he could have finger extensions added to his little bitty paws.
    Gawd, this piece of s… disgusts me. Cannot wait for him to go to prison!

  20. thatotherjean says:

    @Karen in New Mexico #15: Amen, Sister! I wonder what all three of them would have to say about our present mess. I’ll bet it would blister the paint off the walls, while leaving everyone laughing at their targets. I miss them.

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Joyce, you can’t give a sharp knife to someone who needs both hands to drink water. Let him play with the potholders.

    Right now his advance team is searching for venues in red states without stairs, ramps, slippery tile, carpet he could trip over, energy-saving light bulbs, or a rodeo in the preceding twenty-four hours. It’s a short list.
