Jesus Sanctioned Harassment

June 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Way to freekin’ go, Congressvarmint John Fleming of Louisanna!  Let’s sic Sweet Jesus on them there homosexuals!

Fleming has talked the House Armed Services Committee to adopt an amendment that would allow harassment of people as part of the fiscal year 2014 defense authorization bill.  It passed by a vote of 33-2.

Fleming’s measure would expand the “conscience provision” that already exists in defense law. It would protect discriminatory speech and actions and leave commanders with no recourse against prejudicial conduct when it occurs in their units.

John Fleming. Loves the Mean Jesus.

If a service member believes Jesus would not approve of someone’s behavior, they have a right to harrass that person, be they gay, black, or a hooter toter.

Fleming, of course, meant it to allow harassment of gays.  That’s hateful enough.  But this would also allow harassment of anyone who doesn’t live their lives in a accordance with your religious beliefs.

Fleming, of course, is a Southern Baptist and a total jerk.  But, I repeat myself.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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