Jesus Sanctioned Harassment

June 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Way to freekin’ go, Congressvarmint John Fleming of Louisanna!  Let’s sic Sweet Jesus on them there homosexuals!

Fleming has talked the House Armed Services Committee to adopt an amendment that would allow harassment of people as part of the fiscal year 2014 defense authorization bill.  It passed by a vote of 33-2.

Fleming’s measure would expand the “conscience provision” that already exists in defense law. It would protect discriminatory speech and actions and leave commanders with no recourse against prejudicial conduct when it occurs in their units.

John Fleming. Loves the Mean Jesus.

If a service member believes Jesus would not approve of someone’s behavior, they have a right to harrass that person, be they gay, black, or a hooter toter.

Fleming, of course, meant it to allow harassment of gays.  That’s hateful enough.  But this would also allow harassment of anyone who doesn’t live their lives in a accordance with your religious beliefs.

Fleming, of course, is a Southern Baptist and a total jerk.  But, I repeat myself.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Jesus Sanctioned Harassment”

  1. John Peter Henson says:

    If your religion says submit to men, then female members just lost ground in rape cases? I want to know the two brave members who voted against.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    To lie with a man as with a woman is pronouced an abomination in Leviticus 18:22. But is Fleming faithful to all the don’ts in Leviticus? Does he order his steaks rare, ignoring Lev. 19:26? That shirt he wears sure looks like it could be a blend, violating the admonition of wearing a garment woven of two kinds of yarn, Lev. 19:19, and what about the suit? It also appears, unless he is a beardless eunuch, that Fleming has cut the hair from his temples and shaved the edge of his beard. Lev. 19:27. How does he stand on the immigration issue; is his position consistent with the admonition that he must not oppress the alien who resides in his land? Lev. 19:30. We could do this for pages, referring only to three or four chapters of Leviticus.

    More importantly, Jesus had a different message than Fleming doesn’t seem to get; it’s found in the story of the good Samaritan, in the rich man who could not give his wealth to the poor, and in the judgment recounted in Matthew 25 when Jesus accepted or rejected people not on what sins they had committed but whether or not they treated others with chairity and compassion.

  3. JJ, you need to fix your vote. In the article it was 33 to 26. Still a win, but not a landslide….

    I am simply appalled at this amendment and it’s hammer effect of “must be implemented in 120 days after bill made law.”

    As many expressed in article it does seem to be an attack against Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell being ended, but it bothers me more that it can be so damaging to any number of categories of people. And although I could not find the wording to check this, does it also protect a Muslim soldier from acting on his faith in harassing “infidels”?

  4. ks sunflower says:

    Goodness gracious, he must be a hateful little piece to live with because he seems to be all Old Testament – and the wrost bits of that.

    He is yet another example of a person who fails to think of consequences – intended and unintended. All parents should endeavor to teach consequence thinking to their children. Mine certainly did. It builds-in a ‘stop and think” reflex before shooting off your mouth or acting inappropriately.

    Shame on Rep. Fleming.

    Maybe he would sing a different tune if he had served and people were free to mock his self-righteousness without being told thet the mocking was inappropriate. I hope people become freer in their criticism of his short-sighted policy.

  5. scottybeamer says:

    I guess there’s just no end to their hate………and they wonder why the percentage of atheists in the world keeps increasing?………..seems pretty clear to this atheist.

  6. And you thought it was only Texas and Alabama with the Congresscritters who are mentally and morally challenged. Just goes to show that Louisiana is making a serious effort to see how far down into the mud they can get.

    Which is why if Jesus came down to Earth today, he’d never be allowed into the US. He’s from the Middle East, preaches peace and love, and has followers who’ll do anything to push those beliefs onto anyone and everyone by any means necessary.

    “The Bible teaches us to love thy neighbor, and the Kama Sutra explains how.”

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    By the same logic, since I disapprove of what this dwoober is doing I am allowed to harass him. Right?

  8. What could go wrong? That gives all of us the right to bicker with anyone who doesn’t believe as we do. This is going to be like the lady who voted in another state to fund the Christian schools and the law made it so Muslim schools could be funded. Oopsy.

  9. Aggieland liz says:

    Jesus told the disciples to “let them go” when people could not accept his teaching on the Bread of Life. It’s in John. Let them go. No arguing, killing, or name calling. Let them go!

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Someone oughta tell that guy that Jesus never mentioned homosexuality. He DID condemn greed and self-righteousness, among other things.

  11. shortpeople says:

    I’m assuming that Jews and Muslims will be able to get in the face of those consuming bacon at breakfast, Mormons will be able to rail against coffee, and Seventh Day Adventists will be able to refuse to donate blood.

  12. maryelle says:

    How NOT to build a cohesive and goal-oriented army unit: harass everybody who ain’t just like you.

  13. SomedayGirl says:

    Is it wrong that my first thought was, “Yay, at least THIS one isn’t from Texas…”?

  14. At first quick reading, I thought JJ was just funning us, but I read the linked article and realized it was not a joke. My, oh, my, just how would this work out? Seems like it is give the military a means to harass everyone for anything now that they will be unable to give them a pass on rapes.

  15. Obviously Juanita is familiar with the Mark Twain quote: “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. …But I repeat myself.”

    I had the good fortune to be allowed to use this and a number of other Mark Twain quotes last month in a fifth grade English class. The kids loved the presentation! I also read them the first chapter of Tom Sawyer.

  16. Umptydump says:

    Oh oh. You read Tom Sawyer to some fifth graders, Mary? Unfortunately, it probably makes the list of banned books for children in some benighted Louisiana schools that can be found within Fleming’s district. For a list of many other banned books, see this from The Christian Science Monitor.

  17. grannygrey says:

    I do believe I prefer the new term you have created, Juanita Jean..Congressvarmint rather than Congresscritter… because more and more of them are varmints, NOT critters..

    Let’s see, that means I should be able to harrass him for having different beliefs than mine..
    And I have to agree, his clothing is not all one material so I think we should be allowed to stone him..

  18. Corinne Sabo says:

    Fleming violates my religious beliefs.

  19. Another sad thing is that JJ’s link is to the Washington Blade, the newspaper of the local gay community– it SHOULD be a story in the Washington Post! Nothing against the Blade, but this needs as many people as possible seeing it and getting mad and stomping on this little [word omitted].

  20. Does this apply when Muslims point and laugh at Christians?
