Jefferson Beauregard Sessions From the State of Aladamnbama

November 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yes, the man often seen with the back of his hand held trembling to his forehead while heading for the fainting couch will be our next attorney general.

sessionsIn Name-That-Cabinet, today’s leading contender is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, a man named after a Civil War general and President of the Confederacy, for Attorney General. Alabama’s contribution to the Build A Wall movement, Sessions was also turned down for a federal judgeship during the Reagan administration for racist statements while prosecuting African Americans in Alabama.

And to keep the fun moving right along, the Koch Brothers pet congresspoodle, was appointed CIA director.

unknown[Mike] Pompeo, 52, a third-term congressman from Kansas, was a surprise pick to lead the Central Intelligence Agency. He was on the House of Representatives intelligence and energy and commerce committees, as well as the committee investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

Yeah, the Benghazi committee.

He also opposes abortion even in the case of rape and said that Muslim leaders who fail to denounce acts of terrorism done in the name of Islam are “potentially complicit” in the attacks.  He thinks that Edward Snowden should be tried and then given the death penalty.

But hey, y’all, have a great weekend!


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