Jeff Sessions

June 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay dokey – here is the place you can post links / information / opinions about the Jeff Sessions testimony.

I have to be away from my computer later this afternoon but I can approve your comments on my cell phone when I check it.

This will be fun!



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0 Comments to “Jeff Sessions”

  1. Liberty Belle says:

    Little Jeffy says: hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Except against dems. Doesn’t remember, wasn’t aware. Just like DJT, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III DontKnowNothing.

  2. three words for this: “Senator Angus King”

  3. Break out the smelling salts, Beauregard has the vapors!

    It is important to remember that when Jeff sessions lied under oath it was in response to a question that I’ll Franken had actually not asked. It’s also important to remember that Jeff sessions lied in the additional follow-up questions in writing that were vetted by his staff about his contacts with Russians. Vapors notwithstanding, he lied.

  4. Annabelle Lee says:

    I can’t watch it as I am at work (well, ostensibly). Updates please!

  5. Liberty Belle says:

    “And if I had seen or heard anything about those pesky Russians, I would have been shocked, I say, shocked.”

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    We have primaries in VA today, so I’m braving the heat and going to vote. Later, more grass to cut.

    And the AG whose head looks like a sugar bowl? Oh, hell, we all know he’s gonna lie, right? I’ve got better things to do. Am I wrong, or did we NOT have to spend so much time in our lives monitoring the administration of that Obama guy? Miss him.

  7. hey Jeffie – a policy is not equal to a law

  8. whoa – Lankford just admitted that the Supreme Court has ruled in previous cases that the President and his people can’t hold back information at will

  9. a seventy year old should be a bit careful of using the geezer defense i.e. “I do not recall” – could put your ability to carry out your duties in doubt

  10. weren’t Flynn and Manafort working for foreign powers? didn’t Sessions have contact with them during the campaign?

  11. Nothing was revealed. Many many lies and obvious evasions.

    Meanwhile, the Senate, in complete secrecy, plans the demise of Obamacare.


  12. Laurel Beckett says:

    My junior senator, Kamala Harris, is a rock star. Not only super smart but knows how to lay out and set up a series of questions. She wasn’t just flinging random stuff around; she knew exactly what she was doing. The little gremlin’s only defense was to try to drown out the questions with blather.

  13. When the little scatweasel said he was “protecting Trump’s right to Exec Privilege” why didn’t someone state the obvious, in so many words, he has no right to do so?

  14. Marcia in CO says:

    @Montag … I believe someone did inform the Angry Elf of that.
    Kamala Harris let fly so many questions that poor little Jeffy really became the Angry Elf. He got right snippy with the dear lady!! Loved it!! LOL

  15. So Dobby is aghast that anyone would utter those detestable lies about him. Methinks that before it’s all said and done, he won’t be the only one who wishes Donnie Douchebag would slip him a sock.

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. Isn’t that name a crime? If not, it should be.

    Between Jeffie and Betsy Devos, Rexxon Drillerson almost appears sane. Drain the swamp? Donnie should change that to “I’ve plugged up the Dee Cee sewer system.”

    2018 come on with the plunger and flush the varmints.

  17. Yes, Montag, not following protocol was a crime heinous enough for Sessions to suggest firing Comey, let’s see if Sessions has committed a crime by inventing said DOJ policy. He ‘thinks’ there is a policy, he ‘thinks’ it is written down, but gosh, he didn’t think to review it before the hearings and just in case there is one, ‘i just can’t answer your question.’

  18. Well, first Sessions gives the finger to the Senate Committee hearing that met in the morning. His excuse: he wasn’t about to do two committee hearings in one day! Hillary did 12 hours back to back in front of that damn House committee run into the ground by Trey Gowdy and some damn prince of the old south can’t get it up for two committee hearings running about 2.5 hours each? That ain’t even half of what Hillary endured! And my gawd, the selective amnesia or is it selective dementia? This man is not suitable for the job or any damn job! And yes, red, rural America! When Trump fires Mueller, the impeachment starts! The dam will have indeed broken by then!

  19. Kamala Harris’ rapid fire questions made Jeff “nervous.” What would Trey Gowdy-Doody and his henchmen have done if Hillary had said the same thing when she was testifying? Hah!

  20. lumpkin says:

    JBSIII showed that he is an addle-headed, corrupt, dissembling, angry old man. A perfect fit for this administration. No wonder T likes him so much.

  21. easttxdem says:

    Me thinks Senator Cornpone has morphed into AG Hush Puppy.

  22. So, am I the only one who thinks that the only reason that there hasn’t been significant action taken on the daily violations of federal law in the form of perjury and obstruction of justice (and I should probably say hourly) is that our system of government was set up by the founders to be slow and unwieldy. You know, to prevent reactionary elements from taking control in times of high emotion. It’s probably working great in the long term. It sucks in the short term.

  23. yet another baby boomer says:

    P.P., agree with what you wrote @21. Not so much in 15. Dobby was an honorable creature! The sugar bowl scat weasel (yeah I’m stealing from others but they’re too funny not to repeat) is just a slimey no-good muggle. JKR would have something much more apt and snarky to say, no doubt.

  24. That squirrelly lil elfin weasel was lying his ass off!

  25. After watching various re-runs on different networks it is obvious that Sessions was trying to use the same flim=flammery he did so well in the Senate in this new job. But it ain’t working! And he knows it! Adjust? What? Him? Hell, no! He’s Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, y’all!

  26. Jane & PKM says:

    Kallie for the win! Succinct. Gotta love it.

  27. WA Skeptic says:

    Rachel Maddow revealed that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree: JB Sessions’ daddy, formerly FBI Director Sessions, was fired from his position for venal crimes. He was stealing from the FBI budget for fences for his private residence ($10,000) among other things, and was using an FBI vehicle and employee as her private vehicle to do private errands.

    Is there ONE of these guys in DumpTruck’s administration who isn’t as crooked as a snake???

  28. WA Skeptic says:

    I meant to say that Director Sessions’ wife was using an FBI employee and car as her private vehicle.

  29. WA Skeptic says:

    My further apologies to the assembly: Director Sessions was not related to the present AG Sessions.

    Although it sure seems like it.

    Smarmy bastids.
