
November 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Poor Jeb! Bush.  Bless his heart, he thinks he’s running against Barack Obama in 2016.

Jeb! is sponsoring the “2016 American Priorities Survey.”  It is only a survey in the sense that he asks you to pick the Numero Uno reason you hate, hate, hate President Obama.

For example:


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Does he remember that he has a brother? Who was once President?

But the best question is this one:


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Holy crap, dude.  What are you smoking?

Take the whole survey right here.  And get totally creeped out.

Thanks to Rhea for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Jeb!”

  1. Dennis Boyter says:

    So easy to refute everyone of these points with actual facts and reason. However, the base that buys into this drivel cannot be swayed. I am reading “The Authoritarians” by Bob Altemeyer where he describes in considerable detail those that follow Authoritarianism, as well as the narcissists that are Authoritarians. Sad commentary on a substantial – though not the majority – subset of our society. The best way to confront these is to vote and deny them power. Bush comes from an “elite” family that really feels entitled to power and control. Not gonna change that. Just keep them away from the reigns of power through the ballot.

  2. I took the survey and when it came to the question about who was responsible for the rise of ISIS, I clicked “other” and said “Do you remember your brother’s presidency?”

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Give it up, Jeb(?). Your war criminal family cannot buy you the Presidency. It’s over, dude. Listen to your Mama Babs: “No more Bushes in the White House.”

    Sit down, STFU, before a populist movement decides that a RICO indictment is the best response to the Bush Crime Family.

  4. In earlier comments on Miz JJ’s post related to Jeb?, a patron suggested drugs generally and ‘ludes in particular. Not being a medical professional I can’t accurately opine, except to agree that Jeb? is sure as he77 on something mind, consciousness altering.

  5. I for one would NEVER vote for Obama for POTUS in 2016.

    I would NEVER vote for Barney Frank for US Congress in 2016, either.

    I COULD NEVER vote for people that *aren’t running*.

    But like brain eating zombies, the fear of SOMETHING SOMEONE else said is always going to replace reality. It must be a pretty miserable place, inside that RWNJ bubble.

  6. Republicans are the dumbest animals on the planet.. particularly those from Texas.

  7. I took the survey just to try to screw with the results.

  8. I’m not a very nice person. I take surveys like this to watch their tiny brains implode. But HE double hockey sticks, it’s a dirty job but somebody’s gotta do it!

  9. When George W Bush left office, the value of my home was half of what it had been, my 401k was also worth half of what it was a few months prior. And my business? Half the sales and half the income.

    Under Obama everything is not only back to where it was, but higher, and if Republicans don’t gut Medicare and Social Security like the economy in 2008, I might be able to retire at a reasonable age rather than, what would it be under their plans? Never?

    Oh, sorry, my biggest disappointment with Obama? Was that the question? That he didn’t have a Democratic House and Senate to work with for eight years? Is that on the list?

  10. Crazy Quilter says:

    I read the survey and thought about answering it but decided not to do so because it requires your name and e-mail address. I have no guarantee they even tabulate the answers but I am convinced they will use the personal information to inundate a person with phone calls, e-mails, snail mails and possibly drone drops all full of their propaganda. I get enough of that crap.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, “that Jeb? is sure as he77 on something mind, consciousness altering.” It’s called Bush is some circles, white male privilege in other circles.

    Or, we can address a delusional former governor and his adherents as those who saw a dead woman respond to a guppy. Hide as he might behind Columba and pretend to be a Catholic, fact remains Jeb(?) is a Bush and a Dominionist nutjob.

  12. TruelyTexan says:

    Just took the survey. Wish there were more comment sections, just skipped the one with no good answer.

    @ Crazy Quilter
    Just make up a name and email address. It’s what they do on ballots every election anyway, so don’t feel bad. I went with Uriah Dumass (

  13. I worry aboot this. Is there a danger that the delusional snacilbupeR voters will be so whipped into a frenzy that they vote for the snacilbupeR candidate to prevent President Obama from winning a third term in 2016 that they defeat the eventual Democratic candidate?

  14. Polls are only as good as their wording and their random pools of responders (FOX polls, anyone?).

    Supposedly during the Reagan administration someone conducted a poll in which people were asked if they supported a certain rebel group in Nicaragua. In one half of the polls the rebels were called “Contras;” in the other, “Freedom Fighters.” The poll results were radically different.

  15. Is he so stupid he thinks Obama is running for a 3rd term?

    (Well, in the minds of the Reich-wingers, yes, but only if Jade Helm 15 was a success and we implemented Agenda 21, the secret UN plan to steal all our golfs, and completed the FEMA camps on time.)

  16. If you look at the progression of the questions in the survey, he thinks a vote for “Hillary” (she gets only a first name, like children, dogs, and too often most women) is a vote for four more years of Obama, or Obama-clone.

    And a vote for Jeb:( is a vote for four more years of Dubya…?

    I tried to screw with the answers too, but there aren’t any good or rational alternatives.

  17. TruelyTexan, what a great email address!

  18. Marge Wood says:

    brian, I have to disagree. Roadrunners are the dumbest animals in the world, before the GOPs.

  19. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Most of the polls and petitions that politicians and their organizations want you to take or sign are ways to get your email address so that they can send you begging emails. If they happen to stir up your passions for (or against the other) candidate, all the better. I just wish that the DNC wouldn’t do pretty much the same thing with my voter registration information.

  20. Gee, back home there are people who just don’t get it and still think Reagan is president. They are usually the ones who get to sleep in the attic.

  21. fierywomqn says:

    Take the survey and mess with their heads.

  22. I had to check “Not Prepared” on that last one. I am NOT prepared to prevent another four years of President Obama.

    If only it could be…

  23. Marge Wood says:

    I kept wanting a blank space where I could write comments.

  24. WA Skeptic says:

    I not only mentioned his brother’s responsibility for ISIL, but also the partitioning of the Middle East by the colonial powers after WWI
