Jeb, Y’all! He Ain’t Like Anyone Else.
Cross his heart and hope to die, Jeb Bush ain’t like the rest of his family.
I mean, he’s got the same friends and advisers. And sure, his advisers sound like an echo, not a voice. Of course he has the same views as his father and brother but he’s the taller of three so his views are … well, taller, that’s for sure.
He says he’s his own man. Well, except for having Paul Wolfowitz on his back and Porter Goss whispering in his ear. But, other than that, when he’s dining out, he almost always orders a different meal than his father and brother.
Of course he confuses Iran and Iraq just like his brother, but who doesn’t? And numbers, pffff … 20,000 is almost 200,000, right?
He admits there were “mistakes” in his brother’s war but he’s not quite sure what they are.
Jeb Bush: He’s His Own Bush.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.