Jeb Hensarling: Praying or Preying On It? UPDATED!

June 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’ve probably heard the name of Jeb Hensarling being tossed about to replace Cantor.  Hensarling says he is “prayerfully weighing” a run for Majority Leader.

What, Me Worry Hensarling

What, Me Worry Hensarling

The best that can be said of Hensaling is that he’s not Louie Gohmert.  But, he comes close.  You have to give him points for trying.

I can help you learn a few things about Hensarling.  Let’s take a trip down Juanita’s Memory Lane.

He doesn’t think much of President Obama.

The feeling is mutual.

His favorite kind of money is the dirty kind.

He was chairman of the oversight committee of Credit Suisse.

He blocked legislation that could have prevented the financial crisis of 2008.

Paul Krugman can poke him with a stick.

He’s Phil Gramm’s link to congress.

Boehner thinks he’s better than Bachmann.

If you want the 1% to flourish and politicians to get kickbacks from it, then Hensarling is your man.

UPDATED:  Just now from The Hill —

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) will not run to replace Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) as majority leader.

The conservative favorite said in a statement Thursday he was not going to challenge Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) or Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) for the No. 2 spot in House GOP leadership.

Oh great, Pistol Pete Sessions, who eats bullets for breakfast so he can shoot off his mouth all day.  We just left the frying pan – look out fire!

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