Jammie Boy Still Jammin’

June 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so disgraced Congressvarmint Blake Farenthold, the closest thing to Jabba the Hutt we have in Texas, is in a spittin’ match with Governor Greg Abbott, the closet thing to Darth Vader we have in Texas.

But, instead of it being monumental, it’s like hair pulling in the second grade.

Darth Greg says to Blake the Hutt, “You should have to pay for the special election we’re having to have to replace you for the three months left in your term.”

Blake the Hutt says back, “No, you twit, you called this special election.  We didn’t have to have it. You made that choice so you pay for it.”

Meanwhile, the good folks on Alderaan, who were devastated by Hurricane Harvey and have zero money left in their coffers, are stuck with having to pay the $157,000 this special election will cost.

Additionally, Darth Greg wanted to have this special election so a Republican would win and get to run as an incumbent.  The Darth isn’t concerned with good government; he’s concerned with sounding like James Earl Jones.

So, there ya got it. They are both ten maturity points away from being socially acceptable in second grade. That’s how Republicans fight.

And, bygawd, Jabba the Farenthold is not going to pay back the $84,000 he owes us for sexually harassing his clerk because his lawyer said not to.  Oh yeah, Buddy?  Well, my hairdresser said I should kick your ass back to Washington, DeeCee, and dump you in the Potomac River.

Thanks to Pia for the heads up.

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