Jammie Boy Asks For Sacrifice
The Texas Representative in the duckie pajamas, Blake Farenthold, wants more damn sacrifice from veterans.
Asked by the local tv station why most Americans say they are disgusted with government, Farenthold says it’s because of Benghazi. Yeah, that’s it.
And then asked why his own popularity in his district has taken a nose dive, Farenthold’s brain explodes.
We asked him about the people who say he’s lost their vote; people like retired veterans who were on the verge of losing their disability checks next month.
He said the stalemate in Washington was necessary to achieve party goals.
“I feel like my mandate when I was elected was to go reduce the size of government, lower taxes, and increase freedom, and freedom isn’t free, and sometimes you have to make a small sacrifice to move forward with what you’re after,” Congressman Farenthold said.
Farenthold, who originally said he would forego his own paycheck during the shutdown and then didn’t, does not have a personal relationship with sacrifice. And, of course, he never served in the military. Saving one donut out of the box of a dozen for his kid is the biggest sacrifice he’s ever made.
But here’s his comment that made my brain explode.
He continued by saying the reason Republicans finally caved in the negotiations was the debt ceiling, specifically that not being able to pay our bills would have been disastorous for the economy.
But yet he voted against it.
He’s fully admitting that he was willing to sacrifice veterans and the entire United States of Damn America economy “to achieve party goals.”
And then he ate the last donut.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.