Jade Helm Was A Russian Job

May 03, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mot of y’all will remember Jade Helm, a army training operation that every damn nut job in Texas was convinced was a cover for Obama coming to take our guns and put us all in re-education camps.  They stormed city council meets and went to the State Capitol to scream and holler.


It was the end of the damn world, y’all.

They even got governor Greg Abbott to send out the Texas State Guard to monitor the army to make sure they didn’t sneak around stealing guns.

Oh Good Lord.  Even the day after the training was over and everything was okay, the nuts said it would have happened if they hadn’t been watching. And, you know, scaring crap outta each other and emptying the food shelves of Walmart.

Well, this is gonna make you so happy.



Austin, TX – Yesterday, Former NSA and CIA Director Michael Hayden revealed that Jade Helm 15 was a test-run of the first Russian disinformation campaign.

The former NSA and CIA Director reveals that Russia engaged in information warfare to convince Texans that Jade Helm 15 was an Obama planned military exercise to round up political dissidents. The story drew massive controversy as Texas Governor Abbott lent credence to conspiracy theorists by calling in the Texas National Guard to monitor our own U.S. Military.

Y’all, I personally know some of the idiots who were convinced that Obama was gonna use the military to take our guns.  And, for your entertainment value, the internet machine is filled with pictures.

They got pranked.  By Russia.

And the head dope?  Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott.

We’re gonna enjoy this.

 Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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