I’ve Been Thinking
The Idaho State House of Representatives got all riled up on Monday, and not even to mention unusually frisky, and they up and passed a bill 51 – 14 that could lead to librarians being prosecuted for checking out materials that are deemed harmful to minors.
Appropriately enough, it is House Bill 666. I couldn’t make this up and hell that’s what I do for profession.
“I would rather my 6-year-old grandson start smoking cigarettes tomorrow than get a view of this stuff one time at the public library or anywhere else,” said Rep. Bruce Skaug, R-Nampa.
So, I’ve been thinking: do we really need Idaho?
I think it’s time we seriously consider that question.
I put a picture of Bruce over there so you can avoid him at the pervert convention. Not that I’m saying you would go to a pervert convention but you know, first you drink too much, then punch in an address on Google that isn’t to terribly correct and you never know.
I have a dear friend who works with librarians every day. He says to never mess with a librarian. “They may look like little old ladies, but they went to shushing school and they know how to shush you in a manner that causes parts of your intestines to dissolve.” he says. “Plus, they are fiercer than fire ants with Bowie knifes if you attempt to ban one of their books.”
I think he’s probably right.