Ivanka the Wonder Woman

April 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Apparently his lying gets worse around business leaders.

On Tuesday, President Trump hosted a call with business leaders to discuss efforts to provide financial relief to small businesses. During that call, he made an astounding claim: that his daughter Ivanka personally created 15 million jobs.

And he claims she created one million of them in the month before Coronavirus.

Okay, let’s do some arithmetic. There are 152 million people who work in the United States. So, Ivanka created 10% of all the jobs in America.

Damn, that woman buys a lot of shoes. Or something.

Walk out your front door and look up and down your street – you probably see maybe 20 people on your street. Two of them were created by Ivanka. I hope it’s not yours, cause if it is, you’re a small child in China.


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