It’s Weird Out There

September 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember how the folks on food stamps cost our country trillions by selling bets on bad mortgages to suckers?

No, that wasn’t them?

Okay, remember how poor folks got us into a war we didn’t pay for and ran up the debt?


Okay, okay, remember how hungry children paid themselves $175,000 a year plus perks and health care on the taxpayers’ dime?

Well, crap, if you can’t remember that, you you have a bad case of Boehnerphobia or Itchycruz.

But thanks to Ted Cruz and John Boehner, all those hungry children are going to stop ripping off this country, dammit.

Cruz and Boehner have only one demand: reverse the results of the 2012 election or you get a great depression wrapped up with a bow on top.


Thanks to all you pissed-off people sending me emails this morning!

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