It’s Trump Hump Day.
Wednesday is famous only because it’s the furtherest away you can get from Saturday no matter which way you’re going.
And we all know what Saturday means! Uh, in Trump World, that is.
And he got that information at the same place he got the information about the 3 million illegal voters.
First of all, I think he’s unhealthily obsessed with Alex Baldwin. It’s Wednesday and he’s still talking about it. That’s how you know Baldwin is hitting grand slams with his imitation of Trump.
In an interview on NBC’s “Today” show on Wednesday, Trump was asked whether he had considered no longer watching it, given his complaints.
“I hosted ‘SNL’ when it was a good show, but it’s not a good show anymore,” Trump responded. “First of all, nothing to do with me, there’s nothing funny about it. The skits are terrible.”.
The Republican businessman said Baldwin’s depiction of him was “really mean-spirited and not very good.”
And for an expert in humor like Trump, you better believe it.
My friends, it is your sacred duty as Americans to make fun of Donald Trump every day. And make sure he hears it.
Go, Alex, Go!