It’s time for this to end

March 28, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

It was P.T. Barnum that said that a sucker was born every minute. I’m not going to question what people spend their money on. Goodness knows I’ve bought some useless crap over the years. I’ve been snookered by marketing gimmicks and charlatans just like anyone else. So, if someone is going to throw down 60 bucks on the Trump Bible then Godspeed.

Advertising has always been a somewhat unsavory business where facts and slight of hand are married in a shotgun ceremony. Just this week I noticed that Appleby’s is bragging that their boneless wings won a national taste test including a restaurant with wings in its name. Number one, aren’t boneless wings just chicken nuggets? Secondly, you have to know it was a blind taste test between Appleby’s, Bennigan’s, and TGI Fridays. Congratulations.

So, when I saw Trump selling his own Bible it didn’t surprise me. The fact that he was partnering with someone like Lee Greenwood didn’t surprise me. The only thing that surprised me about the whole deal is that Lee Greenwood is still alive. I could have sworn he died in obscurity when his shitty patriotic porn finally fell out of favor. Everything old is new again.

This isn’t new ground. My parents used to regale me with stories about the radio station that drowned out the locals at night. They would have a variety of shows and one that sold religious artifacts. It included things like the John the Baptist soap on a rope and autographed pictures of Jesus. No, what Trump is doing it not new and not novel.

I suppose in a way he isn’t even the worst one. Televangelists bilk their followers for thousands of dollars and it is usually thousands they can’t afford to give away. So, who knows where on the pantheon of sleeve these Bibles would rate. It is more pathetic than anything else. Add it to his action figures, shoes, and all of the other crap he peddles and it’s just sad.

I’m more and more convinced that Trump is nothing more than a thought experiment. How far are we willing to go before we either put him in jail or tell him to go away? When will the Republican party say enough is enough? Will they ever say it? What will the last straw be for people in MAGA nation? It’s not even certain that there will be an end.

Trump outrage is its own cottage industry. You have to know that networks like MSNBC, CNN, the Young Turks, and other similar networks secretly love this. They are rolling in ratings and advertising dollars. Every tweet, every insane rant, every trial development gets covered in breathtaking immediacy. It’s all breaking news. It’s all developing news. It’s all the most important thing that’s ever happened in the history of the world.

Let’s consider what we know. We know he has always failed at business. We know he is the most frequent litigant in the history of the country. We know he has committed countless amounts of fraud. We know he is guilty of how many counts of sexual misconduct. We know he is addlebrained and unfit any position of leadership. We’ve seen it first hand.

It’s not funny anymore. When we went through those first four years it ceased to be funny. It’s time for him to exit stage left. If need be, maybe we can use one of those old Vaudeville hooks to yank him offstage. Maybe he can have his own channel where he can sell his shitty shoes, overpriced Bibles, and can run infomercials with Lee Greenwood, Jon Voigt, and Kid Rock for 24 hours. Then, at least I could avoid it by simply not turning on that channel. I’m out.


0 Comments to “It’s time for this to end”

  1. sleight of hand

    sleeve? sleaze

    proofread, nick

  2. Malarkey says:

    Bravo, @Nick!

    I still have PTSD from 2017-2021. I don’t know if I can take another 4 years of the constant chaos and nastiness.

  3. Amen!

  4. thatotherjean says:

    I could live with constant chaos and nastiness, Malarkey–after all, we survived four years of it. It’s the dismantling of democracy in favor of a Trumpian, fascist dictatorship that I don’t think we’d survive. I’d love to see him gone–preferably to prison.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And then the orange don poorleone gets some schmuck company to merge with his money pit truth (lies) social and makes him a multi billionaire again (on paper for now). I hope a bunch of magats buy the stock high and lose their you know what. They’ll buy his fake gold shoes, steaks, wine, and now bibles they can thump.
    It’s a cult of really dumb suckers. Oh and they’ll send money to his other new toy, the RNC, to help pay his legal fees, and the repugnantican party is the biggest sucker of all.

  6. Debating today or Monday to buy Puts on DJT…..(2023 revenue <$7M, current post IPO valuation $7B, most people think 20x annual earnings is overvalued….this is slam-dunk short)

  7. The Jeebus I learned about as a kid in 1st Baptist Church promoted love for the enemy. drumpf and magats and evanjackalist, phony kristians promote hate and violence towards the enemy.

    Jeebus understood this all those alleged years ago which made him roll around in cave grave and roll the alleged rock away from the he could get the flock out of Dodge!

  8. All I want to know is how soon can we nail him to a cross.??

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Stephen Colbert on the latest repugnantican news. Some funny stuff-

  10. G Foresight says:

    RE: 8 See Seth Myers too. He also notes the 45 Bible has most of the 10 Commandments blacked out.

  11. I’ve noticed the most recent round of fake billionaire family grifting begins by mentioning the marks should only send $ if they can afford it. Guess that taking money from people’s social security checks has maybe hit some bad press?

    Then of course, Trump mentions America is doomed if you don’t send him – – even $1 will help.

  12. “The only thing that surprised me about the whole deal is that Lee Greenwood is still alive. I could have sworn he died in obscurity when his shitty patriotic porn finally fell out of favor. Everything old is new again.”

    “shitty, patriotic porn”

    Whether you’re a fan of country music or not, I suspect you are old enough to remember a time when patriotism, saying the Pledge of Allegience, standing and singing the national anthem, respect for our military, etc. was common and wasn’t political.

    Remember Mom, apple pie, and Chevrolet?

    Recall JFK speaking right here in Houston about going to the Moon? It wasn’t just liberals cheering for that, it was virtually every American. We were united with national pride.

    Recall after we were attacked on 9/11. Never forget? Remember how liberals and conservatives alike broke out their American flags and flew them? Were those flags shitty, patriotic porn back then?

    The country is hopelessly divided these days, but there was a time when we celebrated our founding fathers, and the idea of a more perfect union, and the ideals (if not in practice at the time) of our Constitution. There was a time when we didn’t tear down statues, rename buildings and streets….most of us embraced our common heritage. Heck, we even celebrated Columbus Day, and most of the country wasn’t even Catholic back then, and it wasn’t an issue. Kids were taught to respect the country, the flag, and each other.

    It was a different era, before we became Balkanized. Can we agree it’s a shame our country isn’t that way anymore?

  13. TFG could open up his own T****Shopping channel. Think of the deals- 1 personally autographed bible with a photograph of yours insincerely, with a pair of gold high top sneakers, a bottle of L’Eau de toilet of Mara Lardo and TS toilet paper. Just the Best Shopping channel. / major snarkiness/

  14. NASDAQ, DJT stock couldn’t even manage another dead cat bounce yesterday.
    It took a big hit, sliding -4.26 (-6.43%), on half the volume of previous days, just 17,156,437 trades on 3/28.

    It closed on its’ opening day Tuesday, 3/25, at $57.99. Closed the previous day at $66.22, closed yesterday, 3/28, at $61.96.

    Total market cap is down to just $2.3 billion. So much for Donnei walking away with $3-7 billion like various pundits predicted.

    For a ‘hot’ IPO with wide interest, it’s already headed to the shitter.

    The markets were pretty much stationary yesterday, the Dow and S&P up a tenth of a percent, the NASDAQ off a tenth, so DJT underperformed by a lot.

    The pseudo-billionaire DJT is going to have to sell a helluva lot of those $60 bibles to scrape up enough to be a millionaire, let alone a billionaire.
    16,670,000 of them would gross $1 billion.
    If a fifth of his voters bought one he could gross a bil. Could that many or more be so stupid? Don’t ask.
