It’s The Law

August 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Convicted white collar felons have to join the Republican Party.  It’s the law.

Former Democratic Governor of Illinois, Ron Blagojevich, is back in politics

Blagojevich dubbed himself a “Trumpocrat” on his return to Chicago in February after spending nearly eight years in a Denver federal prison for felony corruption convictions. Trump commuted Blagojevich’s sentence about six years before it was set to end.

Blagojevich calls himself a Trumpocrat now and is heading up a fundraiser for a Republican state senator in Illinois.  It’s supposed to be a high dollar “intimate affair” that celebrates Trump’s acceptance of the Republican nomination.

Dammit, he’s supposed to be in prison like all the other Trumpocrats.  I guess they had to let him out to make way for Bannon.

Thanks to Art for the heads up.


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