It’s So Hot That —-

July 11, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita thinks it’s Governor Perry’s fault.  “He had everyone pray for rain so he could keep all the cool for himself,” she suspects.

This was my car yesterday afternoon.

It was where people across the south came to cool off.

And it will be worse today.  CNN says most of us will be served medium rare with a side of twice baked potato.

Thelma covered the agricultural news this morning. “It’s so hot that we’re feeding the chickens cracked ice to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs.  Potatoes are baking in the ground and corn is popping on the stalk.  And the water in watermelons is boiling on the vine.”

Verdelia covered the social news.  “It’s so hot it melted my diamonds.  I used the glove box in my car to bake a cake.  It’s as hot as high school love, Honey.”

It’s hot enough to make hell look like an ice house.

Here’s the forecast for our friend Carl in Cheboygan:

Okay, everybody meetup at Carl’s house.

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