It’s Refuttalable

June 26, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Want to have some fun before you find out that the only presidential candidate in U.S. history with felony convictions will definitely NOT be showing up to debate President Biden on Thursday?

Look no further than Betonline.

They have bets on everything you ever wondered about happening in a 2024 debate between President Biden and TFG.

Things that will never happen because the debate will never happen (but if there is a God above, let it be so, please, please, please).

An explanation of the betting numbers may be necessary. It was for me.

A minus sign in the odds means that the event is more likely to happen. That is, if an event is rated as -150, that means that in order to win $100 you must bet $150 (like if you bet that Biden will take a drink of water first).

On the other hand, a plus sign in the odds means that it is less likely to happen. Like if you bet $100 that Trump will mention his daughter, Tiffany’s name, you will win $12,500.

Sounds fun, huh?

The fun part is that it’s no joke. Some people will bet on anything. I particularly like the over/under on how many times TFG will lie (or the way they put it “non-facts”).

15.5. That’s 15.5 lies.

I’d take the over on that.

0 Comments to “It’s Refuttalable”

  1. Only 15.5? He might break that in his opening response.

  2. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Am I the only one who thinks The Mango Mussolini’s gigantic ego will make him show up? He expects to win the debate bigly because he believes his own nonsense about his mental acumen.

  3. Opinionated Hussy @2
    Exactly! His malignant narcissistic ego will get him to show up (-50) but when he sees there isn’t a live audience to showboat to, or a Fox friendly bleached blond upskirt bimbo to flirt with, odds are good (-50) he’ll throw a big boy tantrum, whine ‘rigged’ and take his ball and go home

    Chances are also pretty good (-25) the absence of a live audience rule will put a damper on his narcissism but will highlight his sadistic vengeful malagnant-ism.
    Place your bets ladies and gentleman!

  4. Lol, thanks Steve from Beaverton@4

    Even money on he’ll go ‘all Hillary’ on Biden tonight.

    “Danny Elfman’s “TRUMP STALKS HILLARY”
