It’s Pence!

July 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s also deadline day for two of my paying jobs so you guys jump all over this one while I make money to buy some new hairdryers.

Pence.  Oh, what a gift to Democrats.  Check it out.  Pence hates women and LGBT.  Trump hates everybody else.


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0 Comments to “It’s Pence!”

  1. This ought to seal trump’s fate…..Indiana is thrilled pence is gone. Good riddance.

  2. Pancho Sanza says:

    Sing a song of Mike Pence,
    A bigot full of hate.
    Four and twenty klansmen,
    Baked in a cake.
    When the cake was opened,
    They gave gay folks a thump
    Isn’t that a creepy veep,
    To serve under the Trump?

  3. The usual strategy is for a nominee to move to the center for the general election.

    Of course, it may be that Trump has no center.

    Trump has now supported an extreme far-right party platform and picked an extreme far-right running mate. My only theory is that he’s decided he needs the GOP establishment to run his campaign for him. Trump is just following the money.

  4. Chloe Bear, I need some serious eye bleach after that.

    Trump/Pence. Sounds like tuppence (two British pennies), which is more than they’re worth collectively.

    But I did like the photos of Trump holding onto Pence’s hand as if preventing Pence, if he grew some sanity abruptly, from dashing away.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Nice stanza Sanza.

  6. It was so nice to wake up this AM and know the state of Indiana is well rid of this pile of shit. Our state IQ goes up every time he leaves!

  7. Wanta have some fun? Check out the Facebook page called Periods For Pence!

  8. gabberflasted says:

    Lyn in #3, Drumpf has no core, so it follows ‘he has no center.’

    I live very close to Indiana and can hear the rejoicing.

  9. Chloe Bear says:


    My apologies I should have included a warning label with the post.



  10. Rastybob says:

    Good one Pancho. A little long for a Bumper Sticker.

  11. maryelle says:

    Pancho, your parody falls trippingly off the tongue and will, I hope inspire other verses. One of the Pence critics wrote that he was “..Sarah Palin without the charisma.” (what charisma????) Good Lord, not another salad spewer.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    2OBGYN: Two Old Bigoted Guys Yammering Now.

  13. San Fraser says:

    How about a bumpersticker with “Trump-Pense the republican party’s own TP” ? Makes sense to me.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, did you coin 2OBGYN before or after the display of the newly released Drumpf/PITA campaign logo?

  15. Scumpf, Pence.

    That last one sounds like something diseased, infected, oozing pus. Yeah, I guess that’s about right.

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: After. It just popped into my head. Use it, abuse it if you like. Let’s all play “tear up the TP” until November.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    Virginia – Two Old Bigots Yammering NONSENSE. There, fixed it.

  18. LynnN Trump is a golem. Mary Shelley deliberately wrote Frankenstein without a central event to reinforce that sense of hollowness.

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    Linda Phipps: Thank you!! Great fix!! Everybody needs a good editor.

  20. I wonderful Wonkette has her usual measured and restrained thoughts about More Pus:

    “He is a paste-eating bigot on gay issues, by which we mean he hates gays and is also a very stupid man.”

  21. From the same wise Wonkette assessment:

    “He is a misogynistic pork snorkel from the pits of hell, by which we mean he’s not a fan of letting ladies make their own bodily decisions.”

    “He is a total cocksnort toward Syrian refugees.”

    “He hates the poors too, quelle surprise.”

    Buzzfeed found some hilarious op-eds Pence wrote back in the day, on topics ranging from “smoking actually doesn’t kill” to “George Washington was a Republican.”

    More Pus may be a perfect fit for Scumpf.

  22. Lunargent says:

    Lynn N –

    Correct. Right wing misogynist credentials aside, Pence is the most likely of the the surviving veep candidates to come with a dowry of a couple of cubic tons of cash from the Koch brothers. And he did a competent job of trashing Hillary the other night – with the help of a script. Off book, he can be a jackrabbit in the headlights. Whoever Hillary’s running mate is, the veep debates should satisfy any lingering taste for blood sport.

  23. Gasp! Gurgle! Trying hard to stop laughing. OK. My grad school work tells me that Pence was picked to veneer Trump with the conservative brand, sanity and even “spirituality” that he totally lacks. This is giving me a mental image of Pence as a can of paint! I mean, really, just how far can you stretch a cypher like Pence! And T-rump has so much to cover! Jack rabbit? Deer? If Warren is the D-Veep, all debates will be a massacre of sorry Rethugs! Well, make that the same outcome whoever the D-Veep is!
