It’s Not the “Mueller Report”, It’s the “Barr Report”

March 29, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

In an interview with CalMatters this week, George Lakoff, linguistics expert from Berkeley, explained why progressives should stop using the term “Mueller Report”.  Lakoff, who wrote Don’t Think of an Elephant, about political messaging, is a long time consultant to Democratic candidates and media pundits teaching them how to effectively frame messages to voters.  In this interview, he told readers that Trump and his talking heads are touting that the Mueller report exonerated him when it most certainly did not.  However, when progressives argue that the Mueller report didn’t exonerate him, they’re actually reinforcing the conservative message.  Instead, Lakoff suggests that rather than use the term “Mueller”, to change that to “Barr”.  So the response to conservatives’ claim of exoneration is “The Barr report cannot be trusted and we haven’t seen the Mueller report.”  Progressives need to keep “the Barr report” out there to reinforce that message rather than conservatives’ message.


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0 Comments to “It’s Not the “Mueller Report”, It’s the “Barr Report””

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, Billy the Meatball Barr didn’t issue a report, not even a semblance of a summary to a report. That widely spaced 4 pages was a partisan bootlicking hack press release.

    There’s 300+ pages of investigative notes we need to see. Nice reading material to pass away the time, while the Mueller grand juries are still active with indictments and convictions still pending. Then there’s all the fun and frolics happening in New York. If it were any place but Floriduh with Pam Bondi ethics, there would be some actions there, too. Donnie and his flying monkeys can crow vindication and “no collusion” until Devin Nunes cow comes home. However, there’s still plenty of time and places for Individual 1 to become unindicted co-conspirator A-Z.

    I can wait for the arrest of Donnie. It will be all the more enjoyable because it will mean he is no longer Thief-in-Chief. Indicting a sitting pResident is apparently off the table for now. Impeachment or resignation are not.

  2. The only comment any of us should make from now on is “What are they hiding?” because they damned sure are hiding s lot, over 400 page of it by some reports.

  3. How about the Barr Report Card?

    “I’m sorry to inform you that William has kept his report card from you due to the fact that he has not shown any progress since the George H.W. Bush administration, 26 long years ago. I am recommending that he be held back for an equivalent time span to see if his future values will change. It doesn’t look promising”

  4. Mentioning good ol’ 41, George H.W. Bush and Barbara, it came out that they both sort of redeemed themselves, a little bit.
    They were quoted as saying that in the 2016 Prez election, neither of them would touch RAT/DJT with a 10′ cane, they each voted for Hillary Clinton. I wonder who Dumbya voted for?
    More to this thread topic, it’s about effing time that at least some Dems are starting to pay attention to actual retail messaging, language choices, and issue framing, for a refreshing change.
    Now to clone a few extra Adam Schiffs, Ted Lieus, AOCs, Betos, etc., and turn ’em loose…

  5. slipstream says:

    Do not call it the “Barr Report.”

    Call it what it is: the “Barr Coverup.”

  6. barr report, aka barr cover on to GET hillary!!!!!

  7. Don’t Think of an Elephant should be required reading for any progressive. Not just about framing on a daily basis either. But how repugnantcans have defined liberals and the things we believe (in the eyes of so many people NOT liberal) for decades, by thinking long-term. And he’s right about this. He usually is.

  8. When pardon bill barr states that h will eit mueller report ccording to th DoJ rules, as interpetted by himself.
    One of th rules has been tht whnever possible if an individual is not “indicted” that their name and id be retracted.
    Since demented donnie was not indicted will this give barr his excuse to completely retract and delete demented donnie’s name and any information about his actions etc.
    Never underestimate the depths that thuglicans will go to protect thei power.

  9. #3 Megasoid: LOL

    I’ve read Barr’s Sunday letter referred to as the “Barr Book Report”, though one probably deserving of a failing grade.

    Also heard that though the report is almost 400 pages, there is supporting documentation (annotations, etc.) that could double or triple that number.
