It’s Not Like Texas Can’t Be Trusted Or Anything …
I would trust a two year old with a set of felt tip markers alone in a room of priceless art before I would trust Texas Republicans with elections. At least the two year old doesn’t know they’re harming anything, but Texas Republican know damn well they’d put a bullet between Thomas Jefferson’s eyes before they’d want a fair election.
It appears that the Department of Justice is aware of that, too. Accordingly, they sued Texas yesterday over Voter ID and they also asked the court to authorize appointment of federal election observers in Texas. You know, like some third world state banana oilfield republic.
So, our goofy Attorney General Greg Abbott, who is the kind of guy who can read but not to the end of the sentence, issues a frothing reply. You can just picture little spittle things running down the sides of his mouth while writing this —
“Just days after the U.S. Department of Justice arrested a Texas woman for illegally voting five times in the same election, the Obama administration is suing to stop Texas’ commonsense voter ID law. The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled that voter ID laws do not suppress legal votes, but do help prevent illegal votes. Voter IDs have nothing to do with race and they are free to anyone who needs one. Eric Holder’s outrageous claim that voter ID is a racist plot to disenfranchise minority voters is gutter politics and is offensive to the overwhelming majority of Texans of all races who support this ballot integrity measure.
You know, I’d be doing a fire dance around the beating drums, too, if any of that were true. It ain’t.
The case involved absentee ballot fraud and the Attorney General’s silly little voter ID law would do nothing about it.
According to the indictment against Solis, she voted in the names of Samuel Pedraza, Francisco Pedraza, Cynthia Pedraza, Dannie Vargas and Issic Guerra in that primary runoff by absentee ballot.
Holy two year old with felt tip markers. You do not have to show a voter ID to vote by absentee ballot. See what I mean about Gregg Abbott not being able to read to the end of a sentence? His vicious law would do diddle squat to stop this.
And as far as picture ID’s being free, that’s true. They are free as long as you have $21 for a certified birth certificate and all day to stand in line at the DMV.
And this isn’t just about minority voters. My sweet Momma doesn’t drive nowadays and she doesn’t have a certified copy of her birth certificate. There she is, a member of The Greatest Generation who has never missed voting a day in her life, even when there was a poll tax in Texas, and she has to order a birth certificate, pay $21 and have me take her to the DVM and stand in line. Momma doesn’t want to vote by mail. Momma has earned the right to vote in person because it’s important to her.
The Department of Justice is defending Momma’s right to vote in person in her neighborhood as she has done every election in her sweet life.
Thank you God and the Department of Justice.
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.