It’s Not Just a PAC. It’s a SUPER PAC!

October 05, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Even as Rick Perry’s poll numbers drop lower than a snake’s navel in a wagon rut, it appears there’s still some backroom cahooting going on in the Texas Republican money pit.  Perry is in single digits in Florida.   Hell, Fidel Castro is polling higher than Perry in Florida.

But, the good news is that  at least one very suspicious Super PAC seems to be boiling up in Texas.

Lookie here.  (PDF)  It’s a new Super PAC called Campaign for Primary Accountability, Inc.

First off, who comes up with these PAC names?  I know this is not the point I’m trying to make, but you just gotta wonder where they get these high-falutin’ sounding names for PACs.  You never saw a Super PAC named We Need Money for Newt or Gimme Some Cash, which is what they really should be named.  My theory is that they have one of those magnetic word games that you put on your refrigerator door and make up sentences.  I’ll ponder on this some more later.

The Campaign for Primary Accountability, Inc. says they are going to raise unlimited amounts of money.  Now, they say they will not use this money to directly help any candidate, but how ignorant do they think we are?  Of course they will.

The PAC is located in Houston, and the treasurer of the PAC is a guy named  Jonathan Martin, whose email address comes back to this place, which appears to be a company that provides back office operations in Michigan and South Carolina.  The company is located in Kalamazoo and appears to have no clients.  And their Facebook page has needed watering since June of 2010.

But, there’s more.

Enter Corrie Whalen, an adorable 24 year old living in Houston.  On her blog, Corrie says she was hired as the Political Director for the Alliance for Self-Governance (ASG), which is also based in Houston.

And what is the connection between the Campaign for Primary Accountability and the Alliance for Self-Governance?

While interstate compacts are part of the agenda ASG is looking to support, our big project moving into 2012 is The Campaign for Primary Accountability. As many of my fellow activists have learned and more need to be made aware of, the most effective way to force positive change in government is to challenge incumbents in primaries.

So, they are going to primary Republicans candidates who are not conservative enough. Now, Corrie says they are also going to primary some Democrats, too.  She admits to being very conservative but says there are also Democrats on the team who will primary Democrats.

Damn, paint me a damn picture, Girl, because I was born yesterday.

You are going to primary moderate conservative Republicans  with Tea Party folks and you are going to primary liberal Democrats to (1) make them spend money, and (2) try to run them out of office so your conservative candidates can run against a non-incumbent.

Don’t try to tell me that this is bipartisan.  This is the Tea Party’s attempt to shift the entire political spectrum far right.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads-up. He owes me an order of French Fries.

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