It’s Hard Out There For A Republican
Meet the Orie Sisters, a Republican crime syndicate family.
Convicted Pennsylvania state Sen. Jane Orie stepped down from her seat Monday, a few days after her state Supreme Court justice sister was charged with similar allegations she used taxpayer-funded staff for campaigns.
The Allegheny County Republican submitted her resignation in a letter to Senate President Joe Scarnati dated Friday , the same day Justice Joan Orie Melvin was charged with using her Superior Court staff for campaign work during two bids for a seat on the high court.
These sisters put the organized in organized crime.
Together they have used staff for campaign purposes, falsified government documents during one of their trials that ended in a hung jury, cost the taxpayers over a million dollars in lawyers, and are guilty of felony highlighting and eyeliner.
The scary part is that one of them used to be a prosecutor and you just gotta wonder how many documents she falsified in that office to make her conviction record look good.
Republicans: Rules Don’t Apply To Us, Honey.
Thanks to Tom for the heads-up.