It’s Down To The Bible Drill in Pennsylvania

March 13, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yep, that’s how I vote.

Republican congressional candidate Rick Saccone on Monday evening asserted that his political opponents “hate” the president, the United States, and even God.

Okay, my bet is that Rick Saccone will be the next Republican caught stealing money to pay a prostitute to have an abortion.

Isn’t it odd how when a candidate is 6 points down in a congressional district that Trump won by 20 points, they cannot seem to realize that those Trump folks are embarrassed by their vote and bringing in Donald, Jr didn’t help diddle squat.

So, now he’s gonna try God.  Democrats ought to counter that if God decides who wins, Republicans who vote are trying to make God look weak.


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0 Comments to “It’s Down To The Bible Drill in Pennsylvania”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    There seems to be great wafts–smelling of desperation–flowing out of the Philly area.

  2. God?
    Did somebody say God?
    Would somebody cue Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Judge Roy Moore ridin’ in on a horse?

  3. maryelle says:

    Democrats in the Pa 18th district received a mailing from the Congressional Leadership Fund, conservative Republican PAC which pictures a man shooting an AR15, labeled “Conor Lamb” and a huge headline saying, “THANK YOU CONOR LAMB FOR OPPOSING GUN RESTRICTIONS.”
    It also pictures a man teaching 4 year old girl to shoot a semi automatic .
    I guess they though it would keep Democrats from voting for him. So obvious. Hope the Dems take the seat by a landslide.

  4. Want the d to win just wish there was a d on the ballot.
    If the quisling lamb wins we will be lectured by the thuglicrats that run the dccc, dscc and dnc, about how the secret to winning is to run adopt thuglican positions ( pro murder lobby, anti environment, squishy on womens choice, pro fracking and an obvious preference for ryan instead of Pelosi as speaker – remember he promised not to vote for Pelosi)
    Forget those silly progressive values we will be told.
    Forget the democratic constituencies since Pa 18 shows they can be scammed.
    Forget impeachment because working with thuglicans is more important then the rule of law.
    Even in districts which are solidly blue it is important to run “winner” like lipinski in Ill. 3. Ignore history of the failure of these thuglicrats in winning and their imitation of a whipped cur when in congress.
    Much as I am for another Rep. that is a democrat it would be nice if they weren’t scorpions asking for a hitch across electoral waters.

  5. easttxdem says:

    Saconne, in addition to his many other faults, can’t spell. Democrats don’t hate G-O-D, we hate the G-O-P….and we’re doing God’s work by kicking as many of them out of office as we can.

  6. Be nice if we didn’t just replace them with rethuglican lites
    see NJ-02 where the dccc is involved in pushing a pro murder (100% terror lobby rating) and other thuglican policy lover against progressive woman because he is “more electable”.
    Then they wonder why the d’s stay home.

  7. @Barb, PA18 is the Pittsburgh area.

    @maryelle, Conor Lamb has an AR15 and opposes limits on guns. Kind of a DINO.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Damned right, Mr/Ms “k”,
    let’s just take that muthaeffen ‘high road-purity test’ bullchit one more time. Because it’s worked so golldarn focking good all those other times…
    err oh wait… Gee, the GrOPers seem to have had a controlling interest in the executive, legislative, and judicial/LEO branches of most of our various governments for anywhere from the last year to the last few decades.

    The first MF’in thing we need to do is put fangless people like Sen. UpChuckin’ Schumer and DiFi out to pasture.
    And get shitkickin’ people into our Democratic leadership positions who are smart, swift, decisive, true leaders, and unafraid to kick ass and take names later.
    People like Sherrod Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Sheldon Whitehouse, et al.; and maaybe even Mr. Lamb (fmr USMC badazz), who would be a great choice for our side, even if he fails your personal purity tests.
    You’re OK with Rick Saccone instead?

  9. @ Sandridge
    First when have the d’s ever applied a proggressive purity test?
    They have, and continue to have, thuglican lite purity tests to eliminate any candinate to the left of tricky dick.
    Next The thuglicans have imposed whack job purity teats and as you said they now control it all.
    Maybe its just that people want to see some one who stands for something and doesn’t whimp out. Maybe if we ran d’s that spoke to our constituencies rather then there financial masters we would have equal success.
    Why is it that the only success the d’s seem to have is by letting the r’s get so bad that disgust sweeps in D’s, who by their inaction, waste and disperse any political capital they might have.
    Maybe by standing up we won’t have to wait for immenent disaster to motiviate people to vote for d’s

  10. John Pavlovitz’s latest post on “Stuff that needs to be said” could have been written about Saccone’s bullsh*t. I think it’s called “The sinful silence of mainstream Christian pastors”. And actually it was written about Donnie Douchebag. But being a pastor himself makes his condemnations sharper, at least to me.
    And just to be clear, his posts are fantastic, and actually don’t mention religion that much as a rule. He’s about basic morality and common decency. His posts resonate with me because he’s a pastor just as much as in spite of that very fact.

  11. RepubAnon says:

    74.2% of the vote in, Conor Lamb ahead 51% to 48%. Fingers crossed!

  12. Sandridge says:

    A nailbiter. But considering the previews 20 point Rerusslican slant here, adamn good show.

    Tuesday, Mar 13, 2018 · 9:12:49 PM CDT · David Nir
    With 96% of precincts reporting, Lamb remains up 50.0 to 49.4 on Saccone, a margin of 1,238 votes.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Looking like Conor Lamb is going to make it with an estimated final forecast of 400-600 votes.
    His nick will be ‘Landslide Lamb’ then, allowing for the pre-election 20% Rethug tilt of this district.
    Let alone the aprx $12 million+ clams the R’s pee’d away, plus all the visits by the R team and Comrade Trumpov.
    Amazing yuge loss, ESAD Donnei.

  14. joel hanes says:

    First when have the d’s ever applied a proggressive purity test?

    Other way ’round.

    Progressives apply a purity test to d’s.

    Some progressives reject the moral obligation to vote for impure Dems as the lesser of two weevils, no matter how monstrous the other weevil becomes. It’s the eighth inning of Dems vs. Lawless Strong-man Government, and they’re still Very Unhappy With The National Democratic Party.

  15. joel hanes says:

    all the visits by the R team

    Including He, Trump.
    Another set of voters have decided they don’t like Republicanism or He, Trump.

    It’s time to listen to Beethoven’s 9th.

    (old people: remember the Huntley-Brinkley intro? Where will you find anything that classy on TV today? )

  16. @joel hanes

    bogus and false statements trying to give cover to the corporacrats who have helped to hollow out the middle class, the party and the country.
    In the end progressives have voted for the democratic candinate often with a clothespin o their nose and a need for a bath afterwards.
    On the other hand the d’s have made it clear they would rather have an r in office then support a progressive.
    Going back to at least McGovern corporacrats have deserted the candinates, the party and the country to preserve their authority, their consultants fees and their shot at wing nut welfare.
    Ill. 3, Nj 2 Texas where they bigfooted a progressive woman and any number of other races where they have made it clear, with party money and endorsements, that they prefered to just relabel a loser thuglican then run an honest d, don’t forget Conn. where they supported lierman and deserted the actual D nominee.
    Florida seems to be leading the race to the bottom on this.
    So NO it is about time that the corpocrat d’s learn that there is a price for their betrayal of the party.
    So until you can show a case where progressives have torpedoed a thuglicrat like the corporcrats have torpedoed progressives please do not promote this false idea.
    It has been proven false and is only used as a cudgel in the same way that pundits use the “well both sides do it” meme to excuse thuglican crimes.
    That meme is false and so is the one you are promoting.

  17. Tilphousia says:

    No longer take calls from dccc. And won’t give them a can’t. Last fundraiser to call me got an earful about dccc’s nasty habit of not supporting progressives, not listening to the voters, just plain being rethuglicans in democrats clothing. He acted as though the very thought was something he never heard of and became very angry with me. I, in turn, said good bye and hung up. Dems are fed up with being handed poor candidates when there are a plethora of excellent choices, many of whom are women esp women of color. Wait! Could that be why dccc gives them the boot?

  18. @Tilphousia

    Look at NJ 02 I think you might find a candinate worthy of your support in primary.
    A caveat is that I am not a “local” of that area so there may be disqualifying factors I am unaware of. That is a general disclaimer not specific to amything.

    But on the other hand when I hear that the dccc is pushing a white male D who boasts of being the “most conservative d in NJ” v. a retired schoolteacher of color who is a female in a district Hillary won because they think he has a better chance at winning in a district trending Blue, I tend to find my bile rising.

    Partially because of the fictional logic and delusional thinking the dccc must use to help justify their prejudice for a cookie cutter thuglican lite as being more “electable”.
    Proven false oh so many times.

  19. K:
    I don’t have the kind of confidence you seem to have in your opinions of how to affect the political process. I basically run my mouth about how things oughta be, and try to provide what I think are insights into the thinking of folks who until a few years ago were just neighbors who felt differently. But obviously I’ve missed something, “So No it is about time that the corprocat ‘s learn that there is a price for the betrayal of the party” What does that mean? Because it sounds awesome. Until you think a little bit. You know, how does that…..nope. I’ve got nothing.

  20. K, when did you last eat? You really do need a good solid meal. In my experience, such nourishment does a lot to quell a spell of pessimism.

    Further, if you carefully look around you will see a growth of candidates on the D side who are former military. You know, the kind who swear to protect the Constitution and this country. Lamb is one of them. I will be very interested to see how many more of these people opt to run for public office.

  21. Fleeting Expletive says:

    I was sadly disappointed last night watching Laurence O’Donnell’s interview with Rob Porter’s second ex-wife, she who initiated the #and still I stayed after being subjected to his abuse. Both strictly avoided mentioning that she had sought advice from Mormon clergy. Both skirted carefully around naming that fact.

    Given the IMO primitive precepts of marriage required in that faith tradition historically I think it should have been addressed. Was this MSNBC directive or cowardice?

  22. @maggie is 100% correct. The leading candidate on the D side (primary is in June) in my district is a former navy helicopter pilot and former Federal prosecutor.

    @K, what district in NJ would that be? It does not ring a bell to this NJ gal.

    Oh and Conor Lamb won PA18. Hope there will be post on it later today.

  23. Sandridge says:

    Kinda curious that the normally garrulous SOBOTUS has been vewy vewy quiet today, and his usually hyperactive twitter fingers have been frozen stiff this morning.
    Not a peep about the PA-18 election results with Conor Lamb (D) kicking Rethug ass, and with his made-man Saccone going down in flames. After Comrade Bonespurs and many other GrOPers made two or more campaign visits for Saccone and spent $12million+ on the loser.

    It should be fun watching Sarah tapdance her big butt around this topic at the next WH press conference.

    The White House dog that didn’t bark, this morning…
    Reminds me of an old Sherlock Holmes story, “Silver Blaze”:
    ” It also features some of Conan Doyle’s most effective plotting, hinging on the “curious incident of the dog in the night-time:”

    Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): “Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”
    Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”
    Gregory: “The dog did nothing in the night-time.”
    Holmes: “That was the curious incident.”[2]”

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    Admit it, Dimwit Jr. looked rather special while being interviewed by the large chocolate Easter Bunny. Although the supposedly dumber one looked guilty in the pictures of him on late night comedy with his chocolate smeared mouth. Son of Stable Genius “thought” he’d slain a bunny.

  25. The GOP is challenging the Lamb win and seeking to impound all voting machines. They are alleging voter irregularities.
    They are also complaining that lawyers from Saccone were not permitted to oversee the absentee ballot count. No lawyers from Lamb’s campaign oversaw the count.
    Same old, same old.

  26. @maryelle, that reminds me of the line from The Sting: “What was I supposed to do– call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?” Yep, if a Democrat won, it could only be by cheating better than the GOP….

  27. @nj gal
    South jersey thuglican Frank Bilando(sic) retired. the most conservative D “Van Drew” is apparchak choice. Other candinates First was Taney Youngblood.

    Make the corporcrats pay is not giving to the dccc or any of their “chosen” candinates.
    Mounting primary challenges to any and all of their “chosen” candinates.
    Create a list of the corpocrat’s “consultants” and blackball them from any work.
    Refuse any “unity” events with corpocrats until they show unity with progressive candinates with money and support.
    Strengthen outside groups to further divert money from inside group.( i.e. Think Blue)
    If elected progressives do not hire retread staffers on dccc recommendations. In fact do not hire anyone from a dccc list for anything.
    Stop accepting calls, and appointments from dccc conncted lobbt shops.
    No more doorbelling or voleenteering for candinates forced upon voters by dccc.
    If the dccc gives a candinate preferential support of any kind in primary declare publicly by local grass roots orgs. that if that puppet wins they are on their own
    Do not defer or show dccc reps anything but basic courtesy. They want to meet the candinate sets the time and locale and has veto rights over whom the dccc sends.

    Ever since we have had so many in the military accepting torture as normal and hide behind the nuremburg defense of “just obeying orders” and cheering when demented donnie attacks the press ( yesterday marines in California)
    I have lost any respect for military ( todays cutrate mercs.)
    A military follows “rules of war” they do not torture, engage in communal punishment of civilians, and all so many other violations of decency we have had proven to us.
    So yes getting more worried of these institionalized, trained and conditioned to “just obey orders” no matter the legality or human decency claiming to want to serve the country by ignoring its laws just as they ignored Geneva rules and humanity while engaged in an illegal invasion and conquest visiting nothing but death and destruction upon those unfortunates who happen to be in the neighborhood.
