It’s Crap, Crap I Tell You!

February 08, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“This is the largest load of poopie del pollo I have seen in a long damn time,” Juanita is storming around the beauty salon and slamming hairbrushes on tables.  She’s that mad.

We’re probably gonna have another rolling blackout.

Through gritted teeth she says, “Would you please explain to Mr. Trip Doggett that we can no longer refer to his agency as the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) because there ain’t no damn reliability involved at all?”

She’s wondering if there’s such a thing as a butane hair dryer or a propane curling iron.  “It’s bad enough that Miss Wanda had to sit with wet hair for an hour last week because we didn’t have enough electricity in all of Texas to dry her 80 year old hair.  The least they could do is send one of those pro-deregulation politicians down here to breath hot air on Miss Wanda’s coiffure.”

There’s a walleyed snot nosed hissy fit set to be thrown if they cut Juanita’s electricity again.

I’m just saying.  She ain’t pleased with the thought of hamsters rolling around a wheel to power her hair dryers.

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