It’s Come To This

April 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s now openly threatening Democratic Governors.



Seriously.  Does he know that people are dying? Does someone have the nerve to tell him?

Thanks so much, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham for keeping this guy in power.  When the bill comes due, may God have mercy on your souls.  These guys can’t claim that they know not what what they do. They damn well know and they don’t give a crap.


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0 Comments to “It’s Come To This”

  1. Liberty Belle says:

    He never watched this movie. It’s 2 hours and 58 minutes long.
    He certainly never even read the Cliff Notes, but maybe he saw
    the movie trailer.

  2. Not just Mitch and Lindsey. Don’t forget John and “Ted”.

  3. SteveTheReturned says:

    Captain Bligh is trump’s hero? Kid of explains trump’s repulsive treatment of the honorable Captain Crozier of the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier, recently.

  4. Robert McClellan says:

    I am still trying to understand what he was babbling about, I mean if you didn’t know that he was aiming at the Democratic govs would have any idea what he was talking about?

  5. He’s a very needy as well as troubled man. He has this insatiable need for adoration and control as well as a desire to maintain a tight grip on power over others. Right now he probably feels his grip on power over states and their governors is gradually slipping away and thus we see him tweeting about a mutiny taking place.

    This whole business about the building of federal supply inventories through FEMA is just another symbol and outgrowth of his mental irregularity, imho.
    By building up and attempting to corner the available inventories of personal PPE , he can act as a spigot on the control of those inventories as to how and when those supplies are sent to where they are needed, but only at his personal discretion of course & thus he can maintain some semblance of power over states , governors and mayors, as he attempts to establish his personal fiefdom. He is one sick mo’fo.

  6. Brad in Dallas says:

    Just remember that Fox News has spent maybe 33% of their air time for the past 20 years turning Democrats into pointy-tailed devils with pitchforks, specifically for days like this, so that no matter how awful their electeds are, the Republican voter will still willingly say, “he’s still better than a damn Democrat.”

  7. AliceBeth says:

    He missed the point of the movie. He does not understand that he is Captain Bligh, the bad guy.

  8. Although Capt Bligh was certainly a villain, someone on MSNBC said he was closer to the captain of the Titanic. I agree.

    Is he actually saying that, unless they do his bidding, he will not send needed supplies to dying Americans? That he will allow deaths for his ego? That is called murder.

  9. Old Fart says:

    I think he should have used “The Caine Mutiny” for his example/metaphor.

    I can just hear the steel balls when Boss Tweet is off camera, waiting for his next star turn…

  10. slipstream says:

    22,000 dead.

    And Trump says “we’ve done this right.”

  11. Old Quaker says:

    My husband of 49 years died of Covit19 yesterday. He was 89 murdered by a president who could not care less. His gathering of need supplies into his control to reward his friends, spineless republicans, and punish his foes, truth telling Dems, is criminal corruption.

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    I could totally see his majesty’s staff setting him out on a dingy with the real trouble makers. The thing we should learn from this was that Captain Bligh made it to land and caused trouble all over again. Trump needs to go and then spend the rest of his life in litigation for all the things we already know about and the things we discover after he’s out. And no blanket pardons – talking to you Joe!

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Old Quaker, I am so sorry.

  14. Old Quaker:
    I’m so sorry about your husband. My lady and I got together at about the same age, 17 years ago. And as much as I hope we can be together for 49 years, I wish you could’ve had 49 more.

  15. weakgrip says:

    Should be Capt. Blight.

    If the President has absolute powers then Biden should authorize the release of ex-President trump’s taxes.

  16. Old Fart says:

    @Old Quaker:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. And then words fail me.

  17. So it appears that we are headed to a point where the demented one will declare Martial law to combat the “mutiny” of D governors and send in the troops to “detain” D governors at black sites overseen by torturer in cheif the head of the cia.
    Then we will discover if our baby merc’s value their paychecks and protection under the bogus excuse of “just obeying orders” or their oath to the Constitition.
    Alas I fear the majority will pick authoratarianism over democracy.
    That coupled with being given a free hand to administer “justice” ( like Abu ghabir) by their corrupt leaders may convince them that like the Janissaries, Roman praetorian guard, Japanese military before WW ll and all to many other examples of a “professional military” around the world, and through history, may be too much of a temptation for them to resist.
    Or maybe the demented one will just use some of the commercial merc’s, such as Blackwater, already on contract.

  18. Old Quaker, I am so sorry for your loss.

  19. Mutiny. Exciting. Invigorating. Mutineers.

    All correctly spelled and mostly correct grammar. All of which tells me that IQ 4.5 didn’t write that.

  20. Harry Eagar says:

    I’m OK with setting him adrift in a small boat with a compass and a sextant (neither of which he knows how to use).

  21. Aggieland Liz says:

    (((Old Quaker)))

    It really sucks that virtual hugs are the only kind we are allowed to give each other. A friend’s momma was the third death in our county. I haven’t seen her or hugged her since that dreadful event, only phone calls.

  22. @Old Quaker. I’m sorry to hear of your loss. Thank you for sharing your pain with us. May your memories bring you joy.

    @BFSMan, I think you are right. I don’t do Twitter myself, but I do think the education level of what’s written there is much higher than the demented one can handle.

  23. Ray in Jerrytown says:

    Perfect. Judge him unsuitable to lead, remove him from office, and send him off to Germany alone in a rowboat.

  24. give Bligh credit where he’s due. the owner’s/investor’s in the Bounty, in order to save cash, made Bligh both Capt. and Purser of the vessel. these two jobs were in direct conflict with each other, nearly guaranteeing the mission would fail, which it eventually did. thrown off the boat, into an 18′ dinghy, were Bligh, his loyal officers and crew. they were given some supplies, a compass and sextant. he managed to lead them on a 3,500 trip, back to home, without the loss of a single man in the process. from there he started tracking down the muniteeers.

    say what you will about Bligh, but he’s the guy you’d want in command of your ship. knew his business, and was not a particularly cruel man. of his time, he was probably considered one of the fairer Captains of a ship, merchant or military.

  25. Bligh did lose a man after being set adrift
    “Bligh coolly shepherded the last of his shore party and their supplies into the boat. In an attempt to free the rope from its captors, the quartermaster John Norton leapt into the water; he was immediately set upon and stoned to death.[105]” (So much for the “Friendly Isles” Din din)
    Bligh had 3 mutiny’s
    1) Best known was the Bounty

    2) The Great Naval Mutiny 1797

    3) Rum Rebellion by soldiers in Sydney Australia when Bligh was Governor-General

  26. @Old Quaker… This middle-aged Quaker is holding you and yours in the Light.

    I can only imagine your anger and grief. I hope you can find peace somehow, in time.

    In the meantime, I’m glad you’re here with us.
