It’s Been, What? Days Since We’ve Heard From Louie?

May 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert is not one to let you down.  Louie is his name and entertainment is his game!

Louie is now just absolutely certain that Obamacare is evil, evil I tell you.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) explained Tuesday why the Affordable Care Act, unlike communism, will never “fall of its own weight” — because it generates funding while people languish “on lists” until they die.

“Socialism and communism fall of their own weight because, as Margaret Thatcher said, you run out of other people’s money,” Gohmert added. “Because socialized medicine never falls of its own weight because you put people on lists and they die waiting to get the treatment and care. So you don’t go broke.”

Okay, three things.

Thing 1:  Obamacare is not socialized medicine.  I wish it was.  It’s not.

Thing 2:  Countries with socialized medicine are doing just fine on the economic front.  Canada and England are two pretty darn good examples.

Thing 3:  If Louie is referring to “the list” of veterans in the Phoenix Veteran’s Affairs system, let me say this real loud:  It was Louie and his Republican buddies in Congress who are refusing to pay for improvements in veteran care.  They repeatedly vote anti-veteran.  They are making “the list” and checking it twice.

No wait, four things:

Thing 4:  Louie Gohmert is going to hell.

Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “It’s Been, What? Days Since We’ve Heard From Louie?”

  1. This is, of course, as opposed to those who are “on lists” because their pre-ACA HMOs aren’t willing to cover their needs or because their pre-existing conditions have kept them from getting care.

    Probably a leader in the Texas fight against critical, reasoned thinking.

  2. If I believed in Hell as a place of punishment for wrong-doing in life, then I definitely believe Louie has already a super-deluxe handbasket (or handcart) already waiting for him as an express!

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    If there were a list it would be because the wonderful free market system failed to supply the necessary healthcare services. When Hospital Corporation of America starts turning away customers/patients it will be HCA’s failure, not Obama’s. But I can’t see that happening. In a for-profit healthcare system, demand will find a supply.

  4. Some day Louie-louie is going to find himself either in Canada or England when he suddenly falls big time sick and is checked in to their health system despite any objections he may be able to make. What a culture shock that is going to be! Of course, he will bad mouth whatever and whoever saves his life. Typical ingrate personality and for the first time ever I am admitting that he has a personality! Yeah, I know. Its enough to make an angel gag!

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Always nice to know that Louie is alive and well. I wonder if my cousin in his district is using her ACA. Hmm.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Bigger fences are needed around the asylum housing Loopy Louie. Check under his mattress, too, as he obviously has been cheeking his medications, again.

    Affordable Care Act, what’s not to like? Single payer would be better, but that won’t happen, until we vote out the GOP and Blue Dogs.

  7. Sorry, Juanita Jean, but Louie Gohmert isn’t going to Hell. Even Satan wouldn’t have him.

  8. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Can we please get this right:

    BEFORE Obamacare, they had to treated you in an emergency room whether you had insurance or not. The rest of the world paid the freight. THAT was Socialized Medicine.

    AFTER Obamacare, you have to BUY insurance, ie., pay for. That’s capitalism.


  9. maryelle says:

    Aptly put, Wyatt. Unfortunately, Gohmert’s constituents are too stupid to understand the fine distinction. We know this because
    they voted him in and keep on repeating the original sin.

  10. W. C. Peterson says:

    Huffington Post recently ran a photo of Louie doing his howler monkey impression. If I were a howler monkey, I’d be offended.

  11. “Thing 4: Louie Gohmert is going to hell.”

    Just not soon enough.

  12. donquijoterocket says:

    Texas needs to become an acronym for instance Louie is sort of Texas’ answer to Iowa’s Steve King or maybe they’re brothers. Steve is on a one man crusade to prove that Iowa really stands for Idiots Out Wandering Around. I’m not sure what Louie’s doing but then again I don’t think Louie is too sure either.

  13. ——-speakings of scumbags!

  14. Aggieland liz says:

    @Maggie, it’s worse than that even: if Louie gets sick somewhere that has real health care, he will mouth all kinds of crap about it being “god’s plan” or “god’s will” or some nauseating pap of that sort. That would only be true if my friend the FSM really wanted to showcase the depth and breadth of Lil Louie’s hypocrisy; frankly, I think the FSM is busy with far more important things!

  15. Rubymay says:

    Thanks Wyatt Earl! Sadly, Gohmert and his friends rarely know the definitions of the words they try to use, so frequently just string them all together, as in: “socialist, communist, facist, Nazi liberals.”

    How quickly they forget that the previous “system” was the one that let people die for lack of healthcare. Sure, single-payer would have been better, but let’s stop talking about waiting in line to die.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Wyatt Earl, you explained this the best way I’ve ever seen it. Thank you.

  17. The tragedy isn’t that Louie is going to hell, it’s that he is going to take 70% of his constituents with him.

  18. Zyxomma says:

    @donquijoterocket: How about Terribly Egregious Xithead Armed Stupidity? Of course, there’s another type of Texan running this political organization called JJ’s, the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, but we’re talking Loopy Louie’s TX.
