It’s Alabama, Y’all. What Did You Expect? A MENSA Meeting?

July 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A herd of folks have sent me links this morning to a so-called “news” story about some white, toothless Alabama preachers holding a conference for whites only and burning a cross or some damn thing.  In Alabama, that is not news.  That’s Tuesday.

Residents in Guin, Alabama became outraged earlier this week after they noticed flyers posted around the town that read, “Annual Pastors Conference All White Christians Invited.” The groups Christian Identity Ministries and the Church of God’s Chosen told WIAT that they just didn’t have the “facilities” to accommodate non-whites.

“We’re seldom ever have been invited to black Muslim events and we never have been invited to NAACP events and we never have been invited to join Jewish synagogues events and stuff,” Christian Identity Ministries Pastor William J. Collier explained.

I read that a couple of times and have come to the conclusion that it’s not Seder dinner or Rosa Parks Day or “Yo, Cracker, We Have Guns, Too Black Panther Day” that they are upset about not getting an invitation to.

It’s the stuff.

Y’all are doing stuff and not inviting this fine fellow, who is touted as a member/preacher at the Church of God’s Chosen.

So, the next time you do some stuff, please make sure this guy gets invited.

He really wants to do some stuff.

And if the stuff included a haircut and a shower, I am certain that the hound dogs up under his porch would appreciate it.

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